About The Crash Support Network

Meet the Founder of the Crash Support Network
Shirlene Dawne McKay


According to Global Car Accident Statistics, between 20 and 50 million people every year suffer non-fatal injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes with many incurring a disability.

The journey that you face after surviving a motor vehicle crash can be life-changing as your world has suddenly been turned upside down.  It is overwhelming and you may struggle physically, emotionally, financially and psychologically.

After being involved in a horrific automobile crash and transported to a trauma hospital with multiple injuries including a head injury, Shirlene Dawne McKay was lucky to have survived.  Dawne was one of the very few that was fortunate to have an excellent support system but she felt a dire need to connect with other survivors experiencing the same struggles she was left to face.

As she had never found herself recovering from a serious motor vehicle crash before, she began to search for support and quickly discovered there was a lack thereof.  At the time, everyone’s lives have moved on but she continued to find herself overwhelmed, isolated and grieving the loss of the person she once was before the crash, and she desperately wanted to speak to another survivor.

She took it upon herself to not only build the support she was seeking but to spread it out to others who were in similar situations by creating a private discussion platform within an Online Support Group.  For the first time since her life-changing crash, she did not feel alone. “I had found a “safe space” where we could share our struggles and be there for each other. Knowing you are not alone as a survivor and to find support in one another is very therapeutic.”

As the membership grew within her online support group, she noticed a further need for continuous support and Founded a Quarterly Newsletter entitled “Sharing our Recovery” which quickly evolved into sharing her personal experiences in a Crash Survivor Blog.  The Crash Support Network was launched in 2019 which is a unique one-of-a-kind platform that brings all of these wonderful resources together to further support victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes

S. Dawne McKay is also the author of the book, “Talk Crash to Me – What to Expect After Surviving a Collision and How to Manage Your Recovery” which is available for purchase on Amazon.

“When I founded an organization dedicated to helping individuals injured in motor vehicle crashes, I faced countless decisions and one of the more personal choices I made was to operate under my middle name. This decision carries significant meaning and reflects the values and mission of our work.

Names are more than identifiers; they are reflections of who we are and what we stand for. My middle name, Dawne, is a name that resonates with me deeply. Dawne suggests the notions of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day and thus a chance for happiness and improvement – qualities that are essential in the work we do for those impacted by motor vehicle crashes.”

As I continued to donate countless hours to our crash survivor community by sharing resources, highly informative articles, blogs and inspiring posts with survivors from all across the world, The Crash Support Network announced an official transition to a Not-For-Profit Organization in 2024.  

“I am not shy about what happened to me because I have become an advocate for crash survivors. I had to go through my own struggles to create this community of courageous survivors who continuously fight every day. 

Victims continue to feel the impact long after the motor vehicle crash and when other people share similar experiences, there is an extraordinary level of empathy, encouragement and understanding which is comforting. My passion has always been to help others and has evolved through determination, perseverance and dedication. 

My Vision is to build a community where survivors of motor vehicle crashes from all over the world feel supported, understood and inspired.  “The Crash Support Network is the first Organization everyone will turn to for support after being injured in a motor vehicle crash.”

I hope our website and Organization brings you some comfort to know that you are not alone in your journey and that you find us a beneficial resource as you recover.

Wishing you continued healing,

Shirlene Dawne McKay

To Read Her Full Story Click Here:  From Crash Survivor To Creating a Support Group & Resourceful Website



Empathy is fundamental for genuine connection, as it allows individuals to relate to each other on a deeper level, fostering a sense of mutual understanding and care.  We strive to create a supportive and understanding environment where every person feels welcome, valued and connected.


We are driven with empathy and commitment providing the tools, resources, and support necessary for crash survivors to try their best to move forward.  The Crash Support Network is dedicated to support and inspire others to get past one of their most difficult times of their lives.


Teaching the community about the struggles that individuals are left to face encourages a more empathetic and supportive environment, which can significantly impact the recovery process.  We encourage survivors to develop resilience and offer check lists to help with organization while they deal with the physical and emotional aftermath of crash.  

Navigating your road to recovery after surviving a crash can be extremely difficult and no one should feel alone after surviving such a life-changing event.

“Like a butterfly, we are all struggling to come out of our cocoons.

  A butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness and still become something beautiful.

  May we continue to support each other as we learn to fly again.”

Sharing Our Recovery

In 2017, “Sharing Our Recovery” was launched and dedicated to survivors of motor vehicle crashes. In our free digital subscription issues, you will find informative articles from survivors and organizations that support victims.

Sharing Our Recovery continues to blossom and connect with wonderful Organizations and Businesses that support survivors of motor vehicle crashes.

Crash Survivor Blog

S. Dawne McKay became a Blogger to bring more awareness to the struggles that survivors are left to face after surviving a crash. You can find her sharing her own personal journey as a survivor and collaborating with other crash survivors offering them a platform to also share their stories, advice and tips.

“It is not simply about the seconds that it takes to survive a crash but rather the days, months and years that follow.”  


The Crash Support Network is dedicated to raising awareness to the recovery journey that many people face after being affected by a motor vehicle crash and to provide online support, education, connection and resources.

As a Not-For-Profit Organization, every success of ours is a victory for our crash survivor community which directly fuels our mission to make a tangible difference.

Interested in learning more about how your donation can help crash survivors?  Please visit our donation page or feel free to send us a message. 


Our mission is to raise awareness about the recovery journey that many people face after being affected by a motor vehicle crash and to provide a compassionate online community to help survivors rebuild their lives while actively promoting road safety.

do you have a question or interested in supporting the crash support network?

We would love to hear from you!

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