Brain Injury
By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.
Brain or Shine – The Day our Lives Changed Forever
In 2012, life was great. I was a freelance motivational speaker, travelling all over the country and working with teenagers in schools. It was such a buzz. We loved travel and my wife, Jules and I, were enjoying a cheeky week away on the beautiful island of...
Caregiving and Traumatic Brain Injury
9 ways to tell that I am a caregiver: I do not send out greeting cards anymore; I am making friends with the homeless guy outside the grocery store where I shop for my elderly parents; My regular hair and makeup style is: ponytail, and none; I know more pharmacists,...
Woman Creates Caregiver Support Group to Help Herself and Others
On August 15, 2011, Greg and I, along with our friend Jimmy, were riding our Harley Davidsons along the scenic section of highway 95, about 60 miles south of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Greg was feeling sick, probably from food poisoning contracted at a diner the...
Life-Changing Crash Leaves Man Full of Love
Who knew how little control we really have of our lives? I had so many plans for myself as a young 25 year old. I was working on my master’s degree in computer science and planning to work overseas in Asia. I loved to travel and learn about other...
It’s so Important to Have a Team Who are Supportive and Compassionate
So it’s happened…and it’s happened to you ...or someone in your family. A serious car crash or loss, or diagnosis has changed the trajectory of life as you know it right now. Aside from injuries sustained, you are riddled with emotions…maybe misplaced (or...
Preparing for the Winter Holiday Season
Preparing for the winter holiday season has always involved anticipation, excitement of get-togethers with friends and family, office parties, gift exchanges, and other winter traditions. Trying to keep up with long standing customs or, as is sometimes the...
Brain Injury – Free & Accessible Support
The Brain Injury Society of Toronto - FREE & Accessible Support to Those Living With the Effects of Brain Injury Despite the fact that brain injury is more prevalent than rates of MS, breast cancer and HIV/AIDS combined, many people living with brain injury are...
A Home For Your Complex Feelings During Recovery from a TBI
For many traumatic brain injury survivors, the world had stopped long before the planes were grounded and the restaurants were closed to curb the spread of Covid-19. In March 2020, we watched as everyone’s plans, vacations, routines, movie nights, hobbies, and...
Behaviour Related Misunderstandings Provoked by Brain Injury
As I write about my experience of brain injury a lot, you might be surprised when I say sometimes, I can't explain how I feel. There are times this invisible heavy cloak descends on me. I'm trying to get on with a "normal" life whilst the cloak drags me down...
Keep Your Head Up
Keep Your Head Up - Why are we so passionate about supporting concussion recovery? We have both struggled with persistent symptoms ever since sustaining sports-related concussions in high school. We both faced an uphill battle in getting the right support that...
Healing with Music Therapy after Brain Injury
Healing with music therapy is possible. When I presented myself at the front door of my new singing student’s home, I had no idea what a sweeping change would come over my life, once that door was opened. The gentleman seeking lessons was a kind man, eager to sing, as...
Concussion Management after a Motor Vehicle Crash
Concussion Management is important after surviving a motor vehicle crash. The diagnosis of whiplash is commonly made in patients that have been involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). It is far less common, however, to see patients who have been diagnosed with a...
Brain Injury- Jumbled Brain
As if facing a life time with a brain injury isn’t enough, you become more likely to have other accidents. Everyone will have accidents, that’s just being human. But brain injury survivors are at higher risk of injuring themselves. Yesterday I did another one, that...
What Are The Levels Of A Head Injury – Glasgow Scale
A head injury after a collision can be overwhelming and frightening and is measured by the Glasgow Scale. What is a Glasgow Scale? There is more than one severity and their symptoms can vary. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Glasgow Coma Scale score 13-15) Loss of...