Crash Support Network Articles

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A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach

You know when you are at the beach, you are looking for shells, and sometimes in the tall grasses you find rocks to turn over to see what’s underneath? On occasion, and with a gasp, you find you have surprised a group of ugly bugs who quickly race out of sight? The...

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Navigating Farewell to a Treatment Provider

Navigating Farewell to a Treatment Provider

  In the aftermath of a motor vehicle crash or any traumatic event, each treatment provider that you see often becomes more than just a medical professional—they become pillars of support and beacons of hope during a challenging journey towards our recovery. ...

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Navigating the Twists and Turns During Recovery

Navigating the Twists and Turns During Recovery

In an instant, life as you know it can be thrown into chaos. One moment, you're on a familiar road, your mind on your destination, or perhaps wandering through the day's events. The next, you're thrust into a reality you never anticipated—one where you are recovering...

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Caregiving and Traumatic Brain Injury

Caregiving and Traumatic Brain Injury

9 ways to tell that I am a caregiver: I do not send out greeting cards anymore; I am making friends with the homeless guy outside the grocery store where I shop for my elderly parents; My regular hair and makeup style is: ponytail, and none; I know more pharmacists,...

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How Speeding Leads to Avoidable Accidents

How Speeding Leads to Avoidable Accidents

The Need for Speed: How Speeding Leads to Avoidable Accidents In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, we often find ourselves rushing from one place to another. Whether it's commuting to work, running errands, or embarking on a road trip, the temptation to...

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Saying Farewell to Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Saying Farewell to Your Personal Injury Lawyer

As the dust settles on your personal injury case and a final settlement is reached, it's often a moment of mixed emotions for us. Feelings of relief, gratitude, and closure with a tinge of sadness as we bid farewell to our legal advocate – our personal injury lawyer....

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Crash Survivor Finds Healing in Poetry

Crash Survivor Finds Healing in Poetry

  Poetry For Healing: Making Sense of a New World May 22nd, 2020 was not a typical day.  I was starting work late due to a routine doctors appointment and a post-op pet rabbit.  I would end it in a hospital bed, with strict instructions not to move in case I...

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Breaking Up is Hard To Do

Breaking Up is Hard To Do

You can start to sense when a relationship has run its course. Maybe your appointments are feeling rushed.  Maybe you aren’t feeling heard or understood, or maybe you no longer feel comfortable with the approach and the care that you are receiving. Switching treatment...

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Faced With a Fork in the Road After a Crash

Faced With a Fork in the Road After a Crash

A motor vehicle crash can be metaphorically explained as a "fork in the road" due to the critical decisions crash survivors must make in the aftermath of the crash.  This unexpected turn forces us to make important choices that redefine our journey that significantly...

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Online Support Community for Crash Survivors

Online Support Community for Crash Survivors

  We understand that recovering from a motor vehicle crash can be a challenging journey, both physically and emotionally as well as financially.  The emotional toll of a motor vehicle crash can be profound and we believe in the power of community and mutual...

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Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle crashes happen every day across the world.  A vast majority of crash survivors will be admitted into a trauma hospital as I write this and getting into a motor vehicle crash can be a life-changing experience.  Knowing what to do...

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What is a Flare Up and How To Manage One

What is a Flare Up and How To Manage One

  What is a Flare up?  You may be surprised to learn that a lot of people do not know the true meaning of the term "flare-up but if you were to ask anyone recovering from a motor vehicle crash, they could tell you.  A flare-up generally refers to a sudden and...

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Order and Disorder – Guest Post Andrew Lawlor

Order and Disorder – Guest Post Andrew Lawlor

  Order and Disorder.  I’m not really a science guy… I have several high school teachers who would attest to that fact. Lately though, I’ve been reading about quantum physics, and have been intrigued by the concepts of randomness and entropy.  Entropy is a...

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How Are You Doing With Your Brain Injury?

How Are You Doing With Your Brain Injury?

  “How Are You Doing With Your Brain Injury?” In my head “Well, I’m better than I was 9 years ago but way worse than 10 years ago. I had a headache yesterday because I did too much, but also had a headache the day before and did almost nothing. The seasonal...

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I Don’t Remember Anything About You

I Don’t Remember Anything About You

An open letter to the person who hit my car. Dear Matthew, My name is @braininjurywise and I was the one whose car you hit 9 years ago today. I don’t remember anything about you only that you were driving a Honda Civic, and you offered that you could call your wife so...

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Preparing For Discharge From a Trauma Hospital

Preparing For Discharge From a Trauma Hospital

You may have mixed emotions when you are told that you are being discharged from a trauma hospital.  You may feel ill-prepared and anxious to start the next phase of your rehabilitation and recovery.  You will be unsure about your future and it's important that you...

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11 Years Recovering – Things I Wish I Knew

11 Years Recovering – Things I Wish I Knew

11 Years.  Where has that time gone?  On Monday, it will be 11 years for me.  My 11th Crashiversary. The day I was in a horrific life-changing motor vehicle crash caused by a distracted driver.  Rear-ended by an SUV travelling at a high rate of speed and pushed into...

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What Do You Say to a Crash Survivor Recovering?

What Do You Say to a Crash Survivor Recovering?

  Hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle crashes happen every day across the world and when your loved one, colleague or friend has been in a motor vehicle crash, it may be difficult to know what know what to say to them.  Motor vehicle crashes can be...

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Crash Survivor Does Not Consider Herself a Write-Off

Crash Survivor Does Not Consider Herself a Write-Off

A tax write-off as I understand it is a tax deduction, or any legitimate expense that can be subtracted from your taxable income. I have heard of rich people “writing it off” when referring to dinners on company time or real estate used to conduct business. I never...

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Crash Survivor Creates Sandal Blue Foundation

Crash Survivor Creates Sandal Blue Foundation

We’d finally made it. After 16 years of marriage, 5 kids in 6 years (including 2 sets of twins), health challenges galore, financial hardship… life. For the first time we finally felt like things were at that ‘point’ that we’d always wanted to get to. During COVID...

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Time to Celebrate the Special Men in Our Lives

Time to Celebrate the Special Men in Our Lives

  June is not only when we observe Father’s Day, but also Men’s Health Month.  Family is important to recovery and spending some quality time together at home can be healthy, especially when a crash survivor is concerned about their future. Whether he is your...

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12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

  When we are seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, first responders that arrive at the crash scene immediately assess and address any physical injuries then we could be whisked away to a hospital for weeks and quite possibly months as we face our recovery...

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Drive Safely

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