Crash Support Network Articles

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12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

  When we are seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, first responders that arrive at the crash scene immediately assess and address any physical injuries then we could be whisked away to a hospital for weeks and quite possibly months as we face our recovery...

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Don’t Creep Facebook

Don’t Creep Facebook

  Last summer, I met another crash survivor for coffee.  She has been a member of the Crash Support Network Group for quite some time and I got lucky.  She only lived a few kilometres from me.  I cannot begin to tell you what it felt like to sit with someone who...

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How Grief Led A Victim to Become The Unintended Activist

How Grief Led A Victim to Become The Unintended Activist

  On February 22, 2016, a routine afternoon my beloved husband, father and high school math and science teacher, Tim O’Donnell as well as our 5-year-old daughter Bridget, lost their lives in a horrific car crash caused by a habitual drugged driver.  My now...

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Catastrophic Crash Survivor – Can I Ask You a Question?

Catastrophic Crash Survivor – Can I Ask You a Question?

  Catastrophic Crash Survivor - Who Are You? I was wrong.  Most of you do not know me personally. If you did, that first sentence would be jarring. Wrong is not something I admit often – or at least often enough.  It was early in my catastrophic recovery; I was...

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Traumas and Healing Inspires Woman to Open Her Own Law Firm

Traumas and Healing Inspires Woman to Open Her Own Law Firm

  Traumas and Healing. I’ve known that I wanted to be a lawyer ever since I was a little kid when my friend’s dad told me that he was a lawyer and it meant that he made money by arguing with people. Sign me up, sir.  As I grew up that decision was solidified with...

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A Decade of Healing From a Life Changing Crash

A Decade of Healing From a Life Changing Crash

Last month, I celebrated my Crashiversary.  It was a big one.  10 years ago I was driving alone when my life decided to come to an unexpected halt by no fault of my own.  I was doing everything right that morning but sadly, the other driver was not.  Rear ended at a...

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Management of an Acute Injury After a Crash

Management of an Acute Injury After a Crash

  Why is this different than any other type of injury? At some point in our lives, many of us will be injured – an unexpected accident.  An injury. We stepped off a curb or lunged for a tennis ball and sprained our ankle; We fell - and broke a bone; We were...

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Woman Creates Podcast After Near Fatal Crash

Woman Creates Podcast After Near Fatal Crash

  With this type of injury, you're looking at nine to twelve months of recovery.” I heard the words coming from the mouth of the attending surgeon at Roanoke Memorial Hospital but it didn't register completely.  “Sure, Doc I'm ready, but can you save the...

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Always Check Your Medications!

Always Check Your Medications!

  As we recover from a motor vehicle crash, a vast majority of us will be given medications while we are in the hospital for various reasons and once discharged, many of us will be given a handful of scripts to fill at the pharmacy as we return home or to a...

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We Used to Love to Drive

We Used to Love to Drive

  How many of us remember a “365”?  Years ago in Canada, a 365 was similar to what they call a learners permit today and when I was 16, I got my 365.  It consisted of a written test and if you passed, you were able to drive a car with a licensed driver beside you...

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Finally I Reached My Day in Court and it Was Challenging

Finally I Reached My Day in Court and it Was Challenging

The Fix They say it takes a village, and never was that truer than when I was preparing to come home. I had declared my intent to return home for Christmas, and I had no idea how much, and how many it would take to move heaven and earth to meet that date. We had a...

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Life-Changing Crash Leaves Man Full of Love

Life-Changing Crash Leaves Man Full of Love

  Who knew how little control we really have of our lives?  I had so many plans for myself as a young 25 year old.  I was working on my master’s degree in computer science and planning to work overseas in Asia.  I loved to travel and learn about other...

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Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident

Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident

  When the doctors told me after my accident that it would take a long time to heal, I never imagined that 18 months later I would still be on my recovery journey. But those 18 months, however frustrating and tough, haven't been wasted time. They helped me...

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Guest Blogger Andrew Lawlor Meets the Captain

Guest Blogger Andrew Lawlor Meets the Captain

  The Captain and the Kid When someone gets hurt, immediate thoughts go to the person directly affected. Secondly, to family and close friends, knowing they need support and assistance.  Not sure that anyone thinks about the dog. Her name was Indie, a sweet,...

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Life Changing Crash Inspired Woman to Support Others

Life Changing Crash Inspired Woman to Support Others

  When I first started an Online Support Group for victims of motor vehicle crashes back in 2015, I never thought I would eventually launch a quarterly newsletter and become a Crash Survivor Blogger not to mention a self-published author.  A lot has happened...

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