Crash Survivor writes a note to her former self in our Online Support Group that we just had to share with you.  Many supportive and inspirational conversations take place in the Crash Support Network Group on a daily basis. When I saw her post, I couldn’t wait to reach out to her and ask her if I could share it with crash survivors that are feeling stuck in their recovery.  I am thrilled she agreed as it will help another crash survivor move forward as she is definitely on point when it comes to recovery.

Dear Old Self:

When you think you won’t be able to work, it works out and you will heal.

When you think you won’t be able to get through a weekend due to pain, you will and the right person will help.  When you think you will never walk stairs again or walk far, you will.

When you give up your gym membership because it’s been so long, you will get it back.

When people discriminate against you for your invisible disability and you’re too vulnerable to stand up for yourself, you will rise again.

When you feel so weak like you’re 90, you’ll go back to your age again.

When you think you have no future, you will have a more understanding attitude toward others because you understand what it’s like.

When you never want to get in a car again because of what happened to you, you will and you will be confident.

When you get negative because you don’t understand how it will turn out, time will always heal you as the body heals well.

When you get flare ups and you think of the old times in a negative way and get scared, you didn’t go back, your body just gets stronger every year.

My journey was four years ago. I was in so much pain.  I couldn’t do stairs, couldn’t walk and was so scared.  I didn’t know my future and my back was awful but I gained it all back.

I am a gym member again, I’m able to carry my dog. I jog and the people who discriminated against me, I smile past them and watch them stare as I walk down to the train.

For my old self, I love you, I know you suffered and were SO scared of the pain and how it was going to turn out.  Your body healed and every year you became more of your old self.

Go drive, go run, go do stairs.  Live!  Go see the people that matter.  Never forget how hard this was and never take it for granted.

Crash Survivor Writes a Note to Her Old Self:

Dear Old Self:  I wish you knew this information and you didn’t have to suffer so badly. I wish you were able to just have a peaceful mind, rest, watch Netflix , heal and not worry.  It’s ok, you became stronger and are helping others now.  I know they will heal too….. xo

Susan, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Chicago, Illinois

We thank Susan for allowing us to share her letter with you and we wish her continued strength & healing.

Dawne McKay is a survivor of a horrific crash that changed her life forever and her advocacy continued in 2018 as she became a Crash Survivor Blogger.  Dawne is also the author of the book, “Talk Crash to Me – What to Expect After Surviving a Collision and How to Manage Your Recovery” which is available for purchase on Amazon.

The Crash Support Network is a unique one-of-a-kind website consisting of an online support group, a crash survivor blog written by a survivor, our Sharing Our Recovery Newsletter as well as highly informative articles and a Virtual Crash Memorial. Our website is based on relationship-building and puts the needs of survivors first by creating a helpful resource for victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes.


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