determined to walk


We are pleased to introduce you to a man that is determined to walk again after surviving a horrific motor vehicle crash.  As an administrator and founder of an online support group, I happily monitor and approve posts on a daily basis. When I say “approve posts”, I will explain. Our online support group (Crash Support Network Group) has been set up that when a member posts a message in our group, the member must wait for their post to be approved by admin. The reason the group is set up this way is that a lot of our members (including myself) are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and some members may unintentionally post graphic photos such as their crash site with their damaged vehicle or graphic recovery photos which can cause unnecessary triggers. This has been one of the rules in our group since it was created and members have been extremely understanding and respectful. We definitely do not want to cause any undue stress on a survivor that is already struggling.

Thankful For Our Online Support Group

Members of the Crash Support Network Group are survivors of motor vehicle crashes who share advice, daily inspirations, support, encouragement and daily struggles. We cheer each other on when one of us reaches a small victory in our recovery and we are there when survivors need us the most. This is all done virtually without having to leave our home. I am so grateful for this group and hundreds of members agree. It takes real courage to share personal struggles that we are left to face after a crash and all of us understand. Although each post is unique and very special to our group, yesterday there was an exciting and truly inspirational moment shared within our group that really touched all of us. With the member’s permission, I have decided to share it with you. I will first give you some background on this brave crash survivor who is determined to walk again.

I Miss Holding My Girl

On November 17th, 2018, a man that is determined to walk again wrote his first post in our Crash Support Network Group. “Hello and thank you for accepting me. On August 26, 2018, I nearly lost my life. I was on my way home from a chess tournament in Connecticut and I heard a noise coming from my left front wheel. I pulled over into the breakdown lane, got out and got down in front of my car to check it out. I remember nothing from that moment until I woke up in the ICU with my “ever so loving” fiancé by my side five weeks later. She told me a woman went off the highway and crashed into my car sending it on top of me. I was in a coma for five weeks and on life support. I am now in rehab completely bedridden and cannot walk but can feel and slightly move my legs. Even though I am a man, I still get overwhelmed. I cry and miss doing the things I used to do like being able to walk. I miss holding my girl and I always thought I was a strong and tough guy. I just want to walk again, gain my strength back and get my life back. I am determined to walk again.”

A truly heartbreaking post that most members can relate to in some way or another. A member responds quickly sharing with him how long it took her to walk after surviving a crash and tells him to hang in there. We are all thinking of him.  On December 12, 2018, he updated us and wrote “I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. All the bones that were broken in the accident have healed and I am cleared for weight bearing and I am now in a PT Rehab Nursing Home. I can’t walk yet but I am doing exercises and getting up in the wheelchair, going to the gym and using some machines. I still can’t move my toes or feel parts of my legs and I have an MRI tonight and hopefully we’ll find some answers as to whether there is any nerve damage. I still need to see a neurologist as well.”

We Are All Cheering Him On

Members wished him well and cheered him on. We all hope that he makes a full recovery.  Well on March 21, 2019, he posted another update as it was a very special day for this member. He posted a two-minute video of himself where he was filmed the moment he took his first actual step since his crash in August 2018. It was such a touching moment to watch and when he realized that he was standing for the first time in seven months, he was grinning ear to ear into the camera which we assume was held by his fiancé on the other end of that lens. What a truly remarkable and inspirational moment for this man. We are so thankful and deeply touched that he took the time to share such a personal moment with our group. As we continue to cheer him on, we look forward to his updates as his journey continues.

It is not simply about the seconds that it takes to survive a collision but rather the days, months and years that follow.

S. Dawne McKay is a survivor of a horrific crash that changed her life forever.  Dawne shares her personal journey as a Crash Survivor Blogger and also collaborates with crash survivors as Guest Bloggers allowing them an opportunity to share their stories.  Dawne is also the author of the book, “Talk Crash to Me – What to Expect After Surviving a Collision and How to Manage Your Recovery” which is available for purchase on Amazon.


The Crash Support Network is a unique one-of-a-kind website consisting of an online support group, a crash survivor blog, a quarterly newsletter, “Sharing Our Recovery” as well as highly informative articles. Our website is based on relationship-building and puts the needs of survivors first by creating a helpful resource for victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes.

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