By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.
What Happens if Your Uber Gets Into a Crash?
A vast majority of crash survivors will find themselves suddenly looking for other means of transportation as they recover. Countless survivors may no longer feel comfortable behind the wheel and many are not physically able to drive anymore. How Does Uber Work?...
What Are Staged Collisions?
Staged Collisions are when a con artist deliberately causes a collision in such a way to make you look at fault and without any evidence to prove your side of the story. Yes, it's true that staged collisions are happening and as a survivor of a horrific motor vehicle...
Travelling Outside of Ontario and What You Should Know
Ontario residents may be ready for some well-deserved vacation time that may take them around the United States and the rest of Canada. One thought many citizens travelling outside of Ontario may not like to think about is getting into an accident while away from...
FAIR – Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform
FAIR (Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform) is a grassroots not-for-profit organization of Ontario's car accident victims and their caregivers and supporters. Since 2011 FAIR has been a voice for those who have been injured in motor vehicle...