eye injuries

Eye injuries in motor vehicle crashes are common.  Sight is a fundamental part of everyday life and nearly every activity depends on it in some way. Although no two crashes are exactly the same, there are several common eye injuries that can happen after a collision. Many of these eye injuries result in permanent or long-term trauma that may force you to stop working and the impact an eye injury can have on your quality of life can be drastic.

Here Are Six Common Eye Injuries That Can Occur:

1. Airbag Injuries

Airbags are a lifesaving auto technology that have saved numerous lives. Unfortunately, they also deploy with explosive force, which can lead to serious injuries.

2. Eye Injuries Caused by TBI

One area that often gets overlooked is how traumatic brain injuries affect vision.  Even mild trauma can cause vision problems which can can include blurred vision, vertigo and difficulty seeing.  After surviving a horrific motor vehicle crash, I suffered multiple injuries including a head injury that led to blurred vision, dizziness, difficulty sleeping and a high sensitivity to light and noise. I wrote about how important it is to advocate for yourself as “I Was Left to Face Financial Burdens During Recovery” and took the initiative to book an appointment with an optometrist as I had many concerns and as it turned out, so did the optometrist.

3. Lacerations and Particles in the Eye

A relatively tiny speck of dirt can result in pain, discomfort and tears running down your face as your body fights to dislodge the foreign particle. A miniscule piece of dirt can also temporarily blind you.  In a collision – debris, glass and dirt can fly through your vehicle and with that type of impact, your eyes are incredibly vulnerable.

4. Globe Rupture

Given enough pressure and trauma, the eye can actually rupture. Although doctors can sometimes perform ocular surgery to repair these types of injuries, many crash survivors lose their eye and must be fitted with a prosthetic. Blunt trauma can also cause the eye to bleed or damage the iris and can result in loss of vision.

5. Orbital Fracture

The orbital bone is the actual socket surrounding the eye. These bones are incredibly strong so it requires a tremendous amount of force to fracture them.

6. Injuries to the Eyelid

Most people don’t spend much time thinking about their eyelids but without them life would be extremely uncomfortable and difficult.  The eyelid protects the eye and keeps it moist. Cuts and trauma to the eyelid usually requires repair and treatment by an ophthalmologist or a plastic surgeon.


If you have been in a motor vehicle crash, it is so important to watch out for these possible signs and symptoms:

    • Eye pain
    • Swelling
    • Bleeding
    • Blood on the eyeball
    • Blurred vision
    • Double vision
    • Difficulty moving the eye
    • Pain when moving the eye
    • Tunnel vision
    • Loss of peripheral vision
    • Loss of sight
    • A change in the shape of the pupil
    • Uneven pupils, or pupils that look different from each other
    • Bulging eyes
    • A deformity in the eye socket
    • Numbness in the eyelid, cheek, or teeth
    • Any change in one eye that is not present in the other
    • Sore or aching eyes
    • Light or glare sensitivity
    • Reading difficulties
    • Problems with comprehension
    • Reduced attention/concentration
    • Difficulty or lack of ability to maintain visual contact
    • Headaches associated with visual tasks
    • Memory problems

We often think about vision as being simply what we see. However, vision also includes how our brains make sense of what we see. Vision helps other systems in the body work well. These include the systems for thinking and moving. When the visual system isn’t working properly, there can be a wide-ranging impact on our daily living activities (e.g., reading, driving, employment, school, recreational activities and quality of life).

If your eye(s) have been injured in a motor vehicle crash or if you are experiencing symptoms related to your vision, it is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately.  Without proper medical treatment, these injuries can get significantly worse over time. Don’t take risks with your eyesight.  If something doesn’t feel right please follow up with a medical professional.


S. Dawne McKay is a survivor of a horrific crash that changed her life forever.  Dawne shares her personal journey as a Crash Survivor Blogger and also collaborates with crash survivors as Guest Bloggers allowing them an opportunity to share their stories.  Dawne is also the author of the book, “Talk Crash to Me – What to Expect After Surviving a Collision and How to Manage Your Recovery” which is available for purchase on Amazon.


The Crash Support Network is a unique one-of-a-kind website consisting of an online support group, a crash survivor blog, a quarterly newsletter, “Sharing Our Recovery” as well as highly informative articles. Our website is based on relationship-building and puts the needs of survivors first by creating a helpful resource for victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes.





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