survivor stories

Crash Support Network offers the following Survivor Stories Articles to help fulfill our mission.

By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.

Stories are powerful.  They move us, inspire us and motivate us.

“We understand that crash survivors have stories they want to share and we are pleased to provide a platform.” 

If you enjoy reading these stories, be sure to check out our Crash Survivor Blog.

Are you interested in becoming part of our online recovery journey and want to share your story?

Musician Picks Up Pieces of Her Life After Tour Van Crash

Musician Picks Up Pieces of Her Life After Tour Van Crash

  How I Survived Surviving - One Musician’s Journey to Recovery I’m no stranger to plans completely derailing. Just two nights before the accident our converted van was practically swallowed by thick mud in Las Vegas, New Mexico, forcing us to stay awake until 3...

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From Award-Winning Journalist to Victim of a Drunk Driver

From Award-Winning Journalist to Victim of a Drunk Driver

  Why You Shouldn’t Say These Phrases to Someone Who’s Grieving When I was hit head-on by a drunk driver in May 2021, the immediate recovery was undeniably the most difficult time of my life. The day before my crash, I was a healthy 22-year-old attending an...

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Crash Survivor Finds Healing in Poetry

Crash Survivor Finds Healing in Poetry

  Poetry For Healing: Making Sense of a New World May 22nd, 2020 was not a typical day.  I was starting work late due to a routine doctors appointment and a post-op pet rabbit.  I would end it in a hospital bed, with strict instructions not to move in case I...

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Crash Survivor Creates Sandal Blue Foundation

Crash Survivor Creates Sandal Blue Foundation

We’d finally made it. After 16 years of marriage, 5 kids in 6 years (including 2 sets of twins), health challenges galore, financial hardship… life. For the first time we finally felt like things were at that ‘point’ that we’d always wanted to get to. During COVID...

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How Grief Led A Victim to Become The Unintended Activist

How Grief Led A Victim to Become The Unintended Activist

  On February 22, 2016, a routine afternoon my beloved husband, father and high school math and science teacher, Tim O’Donnell as well as our 5-year-old daughter Bridget, lost their lives in a horrific car crash caused by a habitual drugged driver.  My now...

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Catastrophic Crash Survivor – Can I Ask You a Question?

Catastrophic Crash Survivor – Can I Ask You a Question?

  Catastrophic Crash Survivor - Who Are You? I was wrong.  Most of you do not know me personally. If you did, that first sentence would be jarring. Wrong is not something I admit often – or at least often enough.  It was early in my catastrophic recovery; I was...

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A Decade of Healing From a Life Changing Crash

A Decade of Healing From a Life Changing Crash

Last month, I celebrated my Crashiversary.  It was a big one.  10 years ago I was driving alone when my life decided to come to an unexpected halt by no fault of my own.  I was doing everything right that morning but sadly, the other driver was not.  Rear ended at a...

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Woman Creates Podcast After Near Fatal Crash

Woman Creates Podcast After Near Fatal Crash

  With this type of injury, you're looking at nine to twelve months of recovery.” I heard the words coming from the mouth of the attending surgeon at Roanoke Memorial Hospital but it didn't register completely.  “Sure, Doc I'm ready, but can you save the...

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Life-Changing Crash Leaves Man Full of Love

Life-Changing Crash Leaves Man Full of Love

  Who knew how little control we really have of our lives?  I had so many plans for myself as a young 25 year old.  I was working on my master’s degree in computer science and planning to work overseas in Asia.  I loved to travel and learn about other...

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Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident

Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident

  When the doctors told me after my accident that it would take a long time to heal, I never imagined that 18 months later I would still be on my recovery journey. But those 18 months, however frustrating and tough, haven't been wasted time. They helped me...

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Waterfalls – Guest Blogger Shares Power of Music

Waterfalls – Guest Blogger Shares Power of Music

Cinderella Man Back in the hospital, this time I am being visited by a doctor.  He's a good-looking doctor. Too good-looking. Tv-doctor good looking, soap-opera-fake-doctor good looking. I listen as he shares news about my arms. In response I say, “14 seems like a lot...

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You’re Getting Better Every Day

You’re Getting Better Every Day

  Sarah sustained a severe traumatic brain injury at the age of 15 after getting in a car with an underage drinking driver and is the author of the book, "You're Getting Better Every Day." Her writings have been published in Hope magazine and ADDitude Magazine....

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Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor Stays Positive

Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor Stays Positive

  On 8/23/2008, I was a passenger in a serious one-vehicle rollover accident that resulted in a severe traumatic brain injury.  The driver was drunk, 6 people packed into a single cab truck (4 in front and 2 in the bed), and a story that was rumored was that we...

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Drive Safely

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