survivor stories

Crash Support Network offers the following Survivor Stories Articles to help fulfill our mission.

By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.

Stories are powerful.  They move us, inspire us and motivate us.

“We understand that crash survivors have stories they want to share and we are pleased to provide a platform.” 

If you enjoy reading these stories, be sure to check out our Crash Survivor Blog.

Are you interested in becoming part of our online recovery journey and want to share your story?

Survivor Adjusting to Her “New Normal”

Survivor Adjusting to Her “New Normal”

Survivor adjusting to her new normal courageously shares here story with us as she was hit head on by another driver who was able to walk away with no injuries. I was airlifted to the nearest trauma center where my husband was told that if I lived, I would no longer...

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My Life is Changed Forever

My Life is Changed Forever

  Life finally felt like it was coming together. I had started my dream job, I was in love with an amazing guy. I was genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. All this changed on a cold November night in 2016. Life was turned upside down. Literally. My...

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Driving Me Home

Driving Me Home

Driving home on a Thursday night about a year ago, my flight had been canceled due to inclement weather, my husband, Matt was driving me home. We were driving south in the slow lane on our local highway and it was raining. Chatting on the phone, I had no idea what was...

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Motorcycle Collision Survivor Not Same Person

Motorcycle Collision Survivor Not Same Person

A Motorcycle Collision changed my life. On April 29, 2018, I was involved in a serious motorcycle collision. My husband was the driver and I was the passenger. It was to be our last ride because my husband was turning 70 and said he didn't feel strong enough to hold...

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Devastating & Invisible Injury

Devastating & Invisible Injury

Devastating & Invisible.  I was like you once -- living a full life, enjoying dinners with friends, laughing at my pets' antics, helping out and being helped by family, beavering away at my goals, dreaming of more. And then two drivers behind the car I was riding...

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The Way It Was & The Way It Is Now As a Crash Survivor

The Way It Was & The Way It Is Now As a Crash Survivor

The way it was and the way it is now.  I am a car accident survivor and my life changed on October 24, 2008. I was on my way to work when I was T-boned by a dump truck.  That was the day my life changed and my path would never be the same. Before the car accident I...

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From Tragedy to Hope

From Tragedy to Hope

From tragedy to hope - Sometimes the most amazing things come from tragedy. Just ask David A. Grant. November 11, 2010, was supposed to be a typical day for David. Late that afternoon, as he had done for years, David hopped on his bike for a daily ride. His cycling...

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Drive Safely

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