
A Crash Survivor reminds us that there is hope as she writes about how her life changed seven years ago.  Many supportive, inspiring and motivational conversations take place in the Crash Support Network Group on a daily basis and when I read her post that was encouraging other survivors, I instantly reached out to her to see if I could share her post in the Crash Survivor Blog.

Hello Everyone

7 years ago today my life changed. It is a day I will never forget. Even though it felt like a blink of an eye in time, it is a moment that I relive daily. Reminders of that day are always close by, always reminding never to forget. I’ve experienced so much both good and bad.  My first three years were absolutely the worst pain imaginable that I endured 24/7, however in those three years I also got to see how strong I was mentally. I wouldn’t give up and kept the faith despite the circumstances I was under. I sought answers and so I asked questions.  “What can I do to help myself?” was a question I asked pretty regularly to my doctors as well as to myself.

Throughout the years I saw small bits of progress but nothing that could assure me that I wouldn’t be disabled for the rest of my life. I was starting to feel like even my doctors were giving up on me. Only recommending pain killers, which to me was odd. Before my accident I ran, exercised, ate healthy, drank plenty of water and was at peak physical fitness. I always was under the impression that not only a body in motion stays in motion but that the body naturally wants to heal itself. I watched videos of people beating cancer not with chemo but by helping their body help itself. So with this mentality it was a hard concept to understand as to why all the doctors wanted to medicate me with unhealthy pills and shots that didn’t work. I sought a different opinion and I’m happy I had the mentality going into this.  There is hope.

“People Don’t Make it This Far”

My current doctor told me when they first met me, “people don’t make it this far”  and that statement still brings tears to my eyes. I was in three years at this point. Slowly over the last 4 years I have been rebuilding muscles, one string of muscle in a mass of muscle at a time, with the help of a physical therapist, doing physical therapy at home regularly, and of course with the instructions of my doctor.  I am almost at no pain. I still have occasional neck and back pain and I’m working on my strength.

However, today I can cry happy tears instead of pain or frustration tears. I have come a long way. I’m not sharing for sympathy and I want no apologies for my life. What I want is to share where I came from for a few reasons.  I want people to understand that there is hope! I want people to understand that yes you are strong and worth it! I want to inspire others to love themselves despite the circumstances. It all starts with you and your mentality on this journey that you have been placed on. 

Though I’ve endured so much bad, I now see so much good. I have a huge love and understanding for humanity and I also know everyone has their own problems and has their own life but if I could just put a smidge of hope or happiness into someone else’s life, all is well with the world!!!

I hope each & every one of the beautiful souls on here can see the light within themselves!!! [Sending love to all!] 💗

Muskegon, Michigan

A member and fellow crash survivor in our online support group comments on her post:

“Your soul is radiant and thanks for sharing your glow with us. I am so glad you have made so much progress. You do give hope and that is a precious gift to us. It is hard sometimes to have hope to recover better. Thank you for your post!”

It really doesn’t get much better than this does it?  Having an online support group such as the Crash Support Network Group is crucial.  Crash survivors need each other as it can feel lonely during our recovery and at first we may wonder how we will cope. I know this transformation is painful but you are not alone and you can find strength in sharing feelings with others who understand what you’re going through.  Always remember to allow yourself enough time to navigate your road back to recovery and take it one step at a time.

Many thanks to Samantha for not only allowing us to share her post with you but for sharing her words of encouragement that so many crash survivors will find beneficial.  We wish her continued strength & healing.


S. Dawne McKay is a survivor of a horrific crash that changed her life forever.  Dawne shares her personal journey as a Crash Survivor Blogger and also collaborates with crash survivors as Guest Bloggers allowing them an opportunity to share their stories.  Dawne is also the author of the book, “Talk Crash to Me – What to Expect After Surviving a Collision and How to Manage Your Recovery” which is available for purchase on Amazon.


The Crash Support Network is a unique one-of-a-kind website consisting of an online support group, a crash survivor blog, a quarterly newsletter, “Sharing Our Recovery” as well as highly informative articles. Our website is based on relationship-building and puts the needs of survivors first by creating a helpful resource for victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes.

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