holiday season


We are thinking of you this Holiday Season and we want you to know that you are not alone.  I know our stories differ – they all start at different places, different cities and even different countries.  Although our stories all start with a motor vehicle crash, our injuries and recoveries are so different.  Yet they come to the same place in our lives – one that involves life-changing circumstances. When I connect with people that have survived a crash, I feel hurt and despair.  The many selves they had to abandon.  The jobs.  The hobbies.  The independence.  Although each of our stories are different, we are connected through a bond very few can understand.  We understand the constant financial hardships, the tremendous emotional struggles, the physical flares, and the loss a motor vehicle crash can bring. We understand isolation and we understand grief.  When a crash survivor comments on a post in our online support group or mentions that they wish they had found our site sooner  – that is when it hits me.  It’s when survivors finally UNDERSTAND – “I am not alone”.

Feelings of Loss

I have learnt a lot this year.  I learned things don’t always turn out the way you planned or the way you think they should.  I’ve learnt that there are things that don’t always get fixed or put back together the way we would like.  Although we may still be broken, I’ve learnt that you can get through most bad times as long as you have support.  The world has certainly changed, and we have all been reminded of what is most important in our lives. For victims of motor vehicle crashes, and the people who love them, this year has been especially difficult and I am so grateful that our Online Support Group could continue without any disruption.

There are lots of crash survivors feeling the same as you this year. Trust me, I am one of them and you are not alone.  I welcome you to read my blog “Feeling of Loss While Recovering at Christmas” as my motor vehicle crash happened a month before the holiday season and I remember how devastating it was for me as I suddenly found myself financially and physically unstable.  Remember that not everyone will be feeling the same way as you and you need to be honest. Tell people what you want or what you do not want to do for the holidays and make it clear that some things aren’t easy for you.

Self-Care is Crucial As You Recover

Take advantage of your “journal time” especially if you are having a bad day during the holidays. I not only found this therapeutic but necessary and writing down your thoughts and feelings can enhance your sense of well being.  Try your best to go to bed the same time every night.  An hour before bed, start winding down your activities so you can set yourself up for a good night’s sleep. Think of this as your time to power down: focus on relaxing your body and mind. Take a warm bath, practice meditation, or enjoy some soothing music. Think of this as a gift to yourself—after all, you deserve it!

Crash survivors have continued to shown me how courageous we all continue to be and how determined we are even in the face of uncertainty.  As we wind down on a challenging year, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on my gratitude for our support community. This year has proven that their spirit and resilience remained hopeful as I was still able to connect with so many courageous survivors as well as some wonderful organizations and businesses that support crash survivors.  This Winter, the Sharing our Recovery Newsletter celebrated it’s 2nd Anniversary and we are so grateful to our 1500+ subscribers.  We are also extremely thankful to our sponsors for their support as it allows the continued growth of this valuable free resource for crash survivors.  I have been working on some amazing opportunities over the last few months to further support crash survivors and I cannot wait to share them with you!

Showing True Resilience

Personally I will never forget the countless individuals who worked around the clock to keep us safe.  I understand how extra challenging it must be for first responders attending collision sites as well as heath care workers and doctors that have continuously supported trauma victims whether in a hospital, a medical clinic, at home or a virtual visit, and I applaud each and every one of you. I am also grateful for personal injury lawyers that have proven without a doubt, their adaptability to continue to fight for victims of motor vehicle crashes.  I especially want to acknowledge all those recovering from a crash for your incredible courage, inspiration and resilience.  Lastly, I want to thank Survivor Davis who has proven to be a fantastic mascot and friend.  He not only has brought me some much needed relief with heat therapy, he has also brought such comfort and joy to my life.  I am thrilled to be able to share his adventures with you as well as his Friday Focus every week on Instagram.

Davis wears a strong message for every survivor:  “you will  Discover how Amazing, Valuable, Inspiring & Strong you are.”

Having a strong support system played an important role in my recovery but not everyone is as fortunate and that concerns me.  The Crash Support Network Group holds space for you to vent, to feel heard, valued and understood. With 1300+ members and counting, we welcome you to join us as we are always here for you even throughout the holidays.  No matter where you are in your recovery or how many struggles you may be facing – let connection be your next chapter.

Whether you are altering your family plans this year with a telephone call or a zoom Christmas chat, I am thinking of every victim of a motor vehicle crash recovering this holiday season and remind you to take it one step at a time!  I hope that this blog helps you find some comfort knowing that you are not alone and I am sending you warmest thoughts and best wishes for a peaceful & safe holiday season.  May the 12 months of the New Year be full of new achievements in your recovery journey.  Stay safe!


S. Dawne McKay is a survivor of a horrific crash that changed her life forever.  Dawne shares her personal journey as a Crash Survivor Blogger and also collaborates with crash survivors as Guest Bloggers allowing them an opportunity to share their stories.  Dawne is also the author of the book, “Talk Crash to Me – What to Expect After Surviving a Collision and How to Manage Your Recovery” which is available for purchase on Amazon.


The Crash Support Network is a unique one-of-a-kind website consisting of an online support group, a crash survivor blog, a quarterly newsletter, “Sharing Our Recovery” as well as highly informative articles. Our website is based on relationship-building and puts the needs of survivors first by creating a helpful resource for victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes.








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