Trauma Survivors Network provides much needed support.

In 2008, the Trauma Survivors Network (TSN) was developed by the American Trauma Society (ATS) to help trauma centers provide the support and services that patients and their families need during their recovery from serious injury. To date, the TSN is now active in over 115 adult and pediatric trauma centers and rehabilitation hospitals across the United States and Canada.

The TSN offers a variety of services including: peer visitation; peer support groups for adults, children, and families; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) screening; and NextSteps, a self-management course. All services focus on providing structured support to survivors and families while they adjust to a “new normal” life after trauma.

What does participating in NextSteps Involve?

There are two ways you can participate in Next Steps:

Some trauma centers offer the class in person. When you enroll in the face-to-face program, you will join a “class” of 8-12 other trauma survivors. Over six weeks, your group will meet once per week for about 90 minutes.  If your center does not offer the class, or if you prefer to meet online, you can still benefit from this program by joining an online group. When you enroll in the program, you will become part of a class with other trauma survivors from around the country. Over six weeks, your class will work through two, 20-30 minute lessons each week. You can work on lessons on your own, and then come together to participate in an interactive chat about your experiences.

Some of the benefits of joining the TSN include: connecting with others in similar situations and sharing your experiences, learning about injuries and their treatment from trauma experts, discovering how to meet the challenges of everyday life after injury and giving hope and inspiration to others.

The Trauma Survivors Network aims to connect trauma survivors with others and help trauma survivors realize there is “life after trauma” and you are not alone.  To learn more about participating in National Trauma Survivors Day, please visit National Trauma Survivors Day.

To learn more about the TSN, please visit www.traumasurvivorsnetwork.

Submitted by Katherine Joseph, TSN Coordinator

The Trauma Survivors Network is a member of Crash Support Network and we thank them for their support.

This story is also featured in our 2020 Spring Issue of Sharing our Recovery

Are you interested in sharing your story?  We want to hear from you!  Send us an email at: and it may be published on our website or in our quarterly newsletter.

The Crash Support Network is a unique website consisting of an online support group, a Crash Survivor Blog written by a survivor, our Sharing Our Recovery Newsletter, informative articles and a Virtual Crash Memorial. Our website is based on relationship-building and puts the needs of survivors first by creating a helpful resource for victims and survivors of motor vehicle crashes.

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