Crash Support Network Articles
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Light Sensitivity & Driving At Night
When you have light sensitivity, driving at night can be a serious challenge. Headlights from oncoming traffic, flashing brake lights or turn signals and light/dark contrast are often reported as triggers. They can leave you struggling to keep your eyes on the...
Has Your Dog Been in a Collision?
Has your dog been in a collision? Whether your dog is accompanying you on a cross-country road trip, or you are simply chauffeuring him to a vet appointment, keep in mind that the ever-present risk of a collision effects both canine and human passengers. Here are...
From Tragedy to Hope
From tragedy to hope - Sometimes the most amazing things come from tragedy. Just ask David A. Grant. November 11, 2010, was supposed to be a typical day for David. Late that afternoon, as he had done for years, David hopped on his bike for a daily ride. His cycling...
Tips for Driving in the Winter
Driving in the winter can be challenging and terrifying as winter driving will test even the most attentive and skilled driver especially if you are a survivor of a motor vehicle crash. Heavy snowfall can reduce visibility and slippery road conditions can certainly...
Social Media When You Are Recovering From a Crash
Social media use after a collision especially if you have an active social media life, can be a difficult change for you. Your first inclination after you have been involved in a motor vehicle crash may be to update your status and/or your followers to inform...
Are You Considering Switching Your Personal Injury Lawyer?
Switching your personal injury lawyer can be done even if you have already retained one to look after your personal injuries that were caused in your motor vehicle crash. Once you retain a lawyer some issues may arise that you may be concerned with which may question...
From Crash Survivor to Creating a Support Group & Resourceful Website
One week prior to my crash, I was on vacation in Florida with my boyfriend and I was suddenly jolted awake in the middle of the night with a terrible feeling that something awful had happened to someone close to me. It was a feeling that I had never experienced before...
What Are The Levels Of A Head Injury – Glasgow Scale
A head injury after a collision can be overwhelming and frightening and is measured by the Glasgow Scale. What is a Glasgow Scale? There is more than one severity and their symptoms can vary. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Glasgow Coma Scale score 13-15) Loss of...
What are Examinations for Discovery?
Examinations for Discovery is an important part of every personal injury claim where lawyers for each of the parties involved question the parties under oath about the matters involved in your lawsuit. The questions and answers are taken down by a reporter and later,...