medical treatments

Crash Support Network offers the following Medical Treatments Articles to help fulfill our mission.

By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.

Motor Vehicle Crashes are known to cause countless types of personal injury and you will need to seek treatment.

How Apollo Helps Crash Survivors Find Relief

How Apollo Helps Crash Survivors Find Relief

If you've been in a motor vehicle crash (MVC), you may be all too familiar with the profound impact it can have on your life. The physical and emotional trauma can include chronic pain, mental health challenges like PTSD, depression, or anxiety, and an overall...

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Enhancing Your Recovery with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Enhancing Your Recovery with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  Motor vehicle collisions can have a profound impact on a person’s body and mind, often leaving behind lasting physical and emotional scars. Whether it’s broken bones, soft tissue injuries, concussions, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), recovery can be...

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The Vital Role of Social Work in Recovery

The Vital Role of Social Work in Recovery

Recovering from a motor vehicle collision (MVC) involves more than physical rehabilitation. — it often requires emotional and social support to rebuild one’s life.  Social work services play an essential role in helping you, your family and your professional teams...

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What is a Rehabilitation Support Worker?

What is a Rehabilitation Support Worker?

What is a Rehabilitation Support Worker (RSW)? In the community, there are a number of titles our role has been given depending on how individual firms refer to the discipline. These include Rehabilitation Therapists, Rehabilitation Assistants and Rehabilitation...

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Management of an Acute Injury After a Crash

Management of an Acute Injury After a Crash

  Why is this different than any other type of injury? At some point in our lives, many of us will be injured – an unexpected accident.  An injury. We stepped off a curb or lunged for a tennis ball and sprained our ankle; We fell - and broke a bone; We were...

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The Benefits of Aqua Therapy & Hydrotherapy As You Recover

The Benefits of Aqua Therapy & Hydrotherapy As You Recover

  Aquatic therapy is physical therapy that takes place in a pool under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional.  As I recovered from a motor vehicle crash, aqua therapy was recommended as part of my rehabilitation plan and although I was nervous and...

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Recovering Psychologically After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Recovering Psychologically After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Recovering psychologically after surviving a motor vehicle crash is common. When you have been involved in a serious auto collision, you may often find that recovering psychologically from the trauma is every bit as difficult, or even more so, than getting over the...

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Keeping Receipts From Treatment Providers is a Must!

Keeping Receipts From Treatment Providers is a Must!

After being involved in a motor vehicle crash, you may have medical treatments by numerous providers to support you on your recovery journey.  Whether you are having rehabilitation treatments at home, a medical office or a medical clinic, most providers will ask you...

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Mental Wellness is Critical For Any Recovery

Mental Wellness is Critical For Any Recovery

Mental Wellness is critical for any recovery and I’ve never been in a motorized vehicle collision, but I know you have. But I’ve always known I’m at high risk for breast cancer. Like a car crash, cancer may very well be just around the corner for any of us. At age 44,...

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Seeking Medical Attention After a Crash is Crucial

Seeking Medical Attention After a Crash is Crucial

Seeking medical attention after a crash is crucial and it should be the very first thing you do. I understand it can feel overwhelming after you have suffered injuries in a serious motor vehicle crash. Between dealing with getting your car repaired, finding...

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The Challenge of Coping with Flashbacks

The Challenge of Coping with Flashbacks

  Coping with Flashbacks & PTSD For the past fifteen or more years I have specialized in providing psychological services to people who have survived serious auto crashes.  From my experience in working with hundreds of survivors I have observed many common...

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Warm Buddy Products Help Relieve Pain and Stress

Warm Buddy Products Help Relieve Pain and Stress

Warm Buddy products help relieve pain and stress, and getting into an accident can be a very traumatic experience.  Merely talking to the police and doing your paperwork for auto insurance claim leaves you exhausted and stressed. Once the adrenaline rush subsides,...

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Massage Cupping Therapy For My Crash Injuries

Massage Cupping Therapy For My Crash Injuries

  As a survivor of a crash, I am excited to share with you how I discovered massage cupping therapy and how much I have benefited from it.  From time to time, if I move my right ankle a certain way, or I accidentally bump my achilles tendon which I recently did,...

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Primary & Secondary Headaches

Primary & Secondary Headaches

Following a car accident, with or without loss of consciousness, it is not uncommon for victims to suffer from either a short term or long term headache.  Headaches can be classified into two main categories: Primary and Secondary. A primary headache are headaches...

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