organizational support
By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.
Carrying Hannah’s Loving Legacy
The Day That Changed Our Life Forever On 15 March 2013 at 5:45 pm, our entire world shattered into a million pieces. Everything that felt safe, comfortable, normal, disintegrated into dust. You see, our precious daughter Hannah Jean was killed instantly in a horrific...
Brain or Shine – The Day our Lives Changed Forever
In 2012, life was great. I was a freelance motivational speaker, travelling all over the country and working with teenagers in schools. It was such a buzz. We loved travel and my wife, Jules and I, were enjoying a cheeky week away on the beautiful island of...
Crash Survivor Creates Sandal Blue Foundation
We’d finally made it. After 16 years of marriage, 5 kids in 6 years (including 2 sets of twins), health challenges galore, financial hardship… life. For the first time we finally felt like things were at that ‘point’ that we’d always wanted to get to. During COVID...
How Grief Led A Victim to Become The Unintended Activist
On February 22, 2016, a routine afternoon my beloved husband, father and high school math and science teacher, Tim O’Donnell as well as our 5-year-old daughter Bridget, lost their lives in a horrific car crash caused by a habitual drugged driver. My now...
Woman Creates Caregiver Support Group to Help Herself and Others
On August 15, 2011, Greg and I, along with our friend Jimmy, were riding our Harley Davidsons along the scenic section of highway 95, about 60 miles south of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Greg was feeling sick, probably from food poisoning contracted at a diner the...
It’s so Important to Have a Team Who are Supportive and Compassionate
So it’s happened…and it’s happened to you ...or someone in your family. A serious car crash or loss, or diagnosis has changed the trajectory of life as you know it right now. Aside from injuries sustained, you are riddled with emotions…maybe misplaced (or...
HOVITA – Hope for Victims of Traffic Accidents in Uganda
HOVITA Championing Road safety advocacy, support and protection of road crash victim’s rights in Uganda. Uganda among other countries has failed to provide effective care for road traffic victims after a crash. Thorough investigation of crash cases and...
Don’t Drive Distracted – i Pinky Swear Campaign Led by Crash Survivor
I Pinky Swear They say your life can change in the blink of an eye…. I never really understood the true meaning of this statement until I was hit by a distracted driver 6 years ago. Looking back at the person I was, the things I could do, the plans I had for my...
Brain Injury – Free & Accessible Support
The Brain Injury Society of Toronto - FREE & Accessible Support to Those Living With the Effects of Brain Injury Despite the fact that brain injury is more prevalent than rates of MS, breast cancer and HIV/AIDS combined, many people living with brain injury are...
Driving in the Real World – Traffic Safety Advocate Making a Difference
Driving in the Real World: What the Motorist Handbooks Don’t Tell You People often ask me how I became a traffic safety advocate, and it’s an unlikely story. I’ve adored cars since I was a child, when I dreamed of becoming an automotive designer. Like many...
Keep Your Head Up
Keep Your Head Up - Why are we so passionate about supporting concussion recovery? We have both struggled with persistent symptoms ever since sustaining sports-related concussions in high school. We both faced an uphill battle in getting the right support that...
Trauma Survivors Network Offers Much Needed Support
In 2008, the Trauma Survivors Network (TSN) was developed by the American Trauma Society (ATS) to help trauma centers provide the support and services that patients and their families need during their recovery from serious injury. To date, the TSN is now...
FAIR – Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform
FAIR (Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform) is a grassroots not-for-profit organization of Ontario's car accident victims and their caregivers and supporters. Since 2011 FAIR has been a voice for those who have been injured in motor vehicle...
Project Crash
What is Project Crash? In October 2016, we were asked by our police foundations professor what we could do to promote road safety in our community. We decided that a constant visual image, such as a road sign, would be an effective strategy to target drivers,...