survivor stories
By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.
“We understand that crash survivors have stories they want to share and we are pleased to provide a platform.”
If you enjoy reading these stories, be sure to check out our Crash Survivor Blog.
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Crash Survivor Often Wonders How Things Could Have Been Different
Life-changing crash leaves survivor wondering if she could have had a normal life. September 29, 2018 started out as an ordinary day, but ended in a tragedy of twisted metal and pain. I met my boyfriend a few months earlier so the relationship was new; still in...
Amputee Finds Her True Passion By Helping Others
An extraordinary woman who is also an amputee shares her journey with us. On Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013, Kayce Kerr was in a near fatal car accident along I-95 returning from Thanksgiving weekend in Maryland with her family. Rescue crews worked for over 2 hours in an...
Victim of Pedestrian Crash Pursues a Career in Mental Health
One morning in June of 1999 I was in a pedestrian cross-walk on my way to the University of Denver where I held a post-doctoral research position. I remember feeling particularly happy and hopeful about my future. Out of no where, a commercial truck appeared...
There is Hope – A Crash Survivor Reminds Us
A Crash Survivor reminds us that there is hope as she writes about how her life changed seven years ago. Many supportive, inspiring and motivational conversations take place in the Crash Support Network Group on a daily basis and when I read her post that was...
My Life Changed in a Moment
My life changed in a moment. While returning from taking my son and his friend to school, a car crashed into my SUV, causing it to roll. It took the Jaws of Life to remove me from the vehicle, and I remember nothing. When I woke up in the hospital, I didn’t know who...
Motorcycle Crash Survivor Blogs To Helps Others
Motorcycle Crash Survivor, Rod Rawls courageously shares his story with us. Just under three years ago, I was exercising my right to ride my Harley-Davidson with no helmet when the unthinkable happened. I have absolutely no memory of the event, but it happened at an...
Create Your Own Digital Crash Memory
Digital Crash Memories are a wonderful way for us to remember as I will never forget the day my entire life changed in a matter of seconds from being involved in a motor vehicle crash. I like to refer to the day that I survived a crash as my “crashiversary” and when...
In The Blink of an Eye My Life was Forever Changed
In a blink of an eye, my life was forever changed due to a crash on April 18, 2018. Today makes exactly a year. I don’t even know exactly what to say. I’m still recovering to this day. I still have permanent nerve damage in my jaw not allowing me to feel my left side...
Motorcycle Crash Survivor, Andrew Lawlor Shares His Recovery Journey as a Guest Blogger
This Life Husband, father, writer… infrequent and at least 55% impaired. Impaired as in injured, damaged, diminished, less than whole. Please be patient, I’m still getting used to my new brain. I have no answers, no advice, no guidance. All I have is a...
Crash Survivor Shares Her Struggles as a Victim of a Drunk Driver
As a victim of a drunk driver, Shelly was seeking support and joined our online support group two years ago. Shelly agreed to share part of her story with our readers as she understands that sharing her recovery may help other survivors move forward. I am sharing her...
Post Injury Can Lead to Meaningful Life
Having a meaningful life post injury is important. My name is Anna Leggett and I live in East Anglia in the UK. In November 2016 I was involved in a rear-end collision when my car was hit by a large SUV. I sustained a mild brain injury and a musculoskeletal injury to...
Crash Survivor Writes Note to Her Former Self
Crash Survivor writes a note to her former self in our Online Support Group that we just had to share with you. Many supportive and inspirational conversations take place in the Crash Support Network Group on a daily basis. When I saw her post, I couldn't wait to...
Dangerous Driving Changed My Life Forever
Dangerous driving changed my life forever. On April 27th, 2012 I was 17 years old and full of amazing goals for the future. It was a sunny, Friday afternoon in Bolton, Ontario, when my friends and I decided to go to McDonalds for lunch. The thing is, other...
Supportive and Inspirational Conversations From Crash Survivors
Many supportive and inspirational conversations take place in our online support group on a daily basis. What started out as a place to find solace has turned into quite a forum with 1200 + members. Recently a courageous member of our online support group posted her...
Crash Survivor Hopes to Inspire Other Survivors
Lisa Mary is a Crash Survivor, a Singer and a Songwriter who hopes to inspire other survivors. July 7th 2017 was one of the best days of my life, I opened a show for one of my idols Toby Keith. In that same day I released my first album that I poured two years of my...
Determined to Walk Again after Surviving a Crash
We are pleased to introduce you to a man that is determined to walk again after surviving a horrific motor vehicle crash. As an administrator and founder of an online support group, I happily monitor and approve posts on a daily basis. When I say “approve...
Grief Empowers Attorney to Understand his Clients
On August 7, 2008, a woman passed out at the wheel of an SUV. She crossed the center line, and struck a minivan driven by a 17-year-old girl. The woman had two prior impaired driving convictions. She was drunk and her blood tested positive for the presence of...
Mother Learns to Walk Again – Same Time As Her Toddler
Life changing crash leaves mother learning how to walk again at the same time as her 15 month old son. Watching your child take their first steps is an emotional milestone for any parent but for Rowena Owen, its even more significant because she is learning to walk...
And Then it Hit Me
And then it hit me, my life as I knew it was turned upside down in a blink of an eye. November 3, 2015 started out just like any other day in my life. I worked as an Accounting Associate full-time and at the time I was studying for my Charted Professional...
Writing Became My Therapy After Surviving a Crash
Writing became my therapy after surviving a crash. My personal journey starts much before the motor vehicle accident but to keep the things in order I will start from there. I started writing as a means of therapy – it proved to provide some relief and I would...
A Crash Survivor’s Reminder – “Don’t Give Up”
Don’t Give Up – A crash survivor picks herself up to get her first part-time job. It was physically & mentally demanding but helped her cope with isolation.
So Grateful For Our Online Support Group
Members of our online support group may have some busy days ahead of them as we enter the fall season. September has a back-to-school vibe that’s hard to shake. This tends to be true even if it’s been many years since you were a student and even if you...
A Simple Drive Home
A simple drive home changed my life forever. I was newly married; we had brought our first home and we both shared the excitement of our own children in the future. After being involved in an horrific car accident my life was changed forever after a simple drive home...
Second Chance At Life
Second Chance at Life - On Saturday January 4, 2014, I was on my way with my youngest of 6 children (then 5 years old] to pick up two of our daughters from a sleepover. The last sleepover for our oldest who was due to leave for college that next Monday. We...