survivor tips

Crash Support Network offers the following Survivor Tips Articles to help fulfill our mission.

By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.

Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle crashes happen every day across the world.  A vast majority of crash survivors will be admitted into a trauma hospital as I write this and getting into a motor vehicle crash can be a life-changing experience.  Knowing what to do...

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12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

  When we are seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, first responders that arrive at the crash scene immediately assess and address any physical injuries then we could be whisked away to a hospital for weeks and quite possibly months as we face our recovery...

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Don’t Creep Facebook

Don’t Creep Facebook

  Last summer, I met another crash survivor for coffee.  She has been a member of the Crash Support Network Group for quite some time and I got lucky.  She only lived a few kilometres from me.  I cannot begin to tell you what it felt like to sit with someone who...

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Management of an Acute Injury After a Crash

Management of an Acute Injury After a Crash

  Why is this different than any other type of injury? At some point in our lives, many of us will be injured – an unexpected accident.  An injury. We stepped off a curb or lunged for a tennis ball and sprained our ankle; We fell - and broke a bone; We were...

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Always Check Your Medications!

Always Check Your Medications!

  As we recover from a motor vehicle crash, a vast majority of us will be given medications while we are in the hospital for various reasons and once discharged, many of us will be given a handful of scripts to fill at the pharmacy as we return home or to a...

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Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident

Acceptance and Finding Purpose After a Traumatic Accident

  When the doctors told me after my accident that it would take a long time to heal, I never imagined that 18 months later I would still be on my recovery journey. But those 18 months, however frustrating and tough, haven't been wasted time. They helped me...

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The Stakes are High: You Need to Pick the Right Attorney

The Stakes are High: You Need to Pick the Right Attorney

  Picking the right attorney to represent you when you have been injured is critical.  When people have been seriously injured or family members have been killed as the result of another’s negligence, their lives are turned upside down. Suddenly, they are dealing...

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Preparing for the Winter Holiday Season

Preparing for the Winter Holiday Season

  Preparing for the winter holiday season has always involved anticipation, excitement of get-togethers with friends and family, office parties, gift exchanges, and other winter traditions.  Trying to keep up with long standing customs or, as is sometimes the...

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Driver Rehabilitation Can Be Beneficial After a Crash

Driver Rehabilitation Can Be Beneficial After a Crash

Driver Rehabilitation can be beneficial to many drivers with medical conditions especially if you are recovering from serious injuries sustained in a car accident. There may be psychological as well as physical barriers to recovery, and how a person copes or deals...

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Talk Crash to Me – New Book Written by a Crash Survivor

Talk Crash to Me – New Book Written by a Crash Survivor

  Talk Crash to Me is a phrase I have used several times since I became a crash survivor.  Next month it will be two years since the launch of the Crash Support Network’s website and as the site continues to get noticed and builds tremendous traffic as well as...

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Travelling While Recovering

Travelling While Recovering

Travelling while recovering from a motor vehicle crash can be difficult but it is possible. For those of us who are recovering from a collision, we are aware of the conflicting emotions when planning a trip or vacation.  Your family wants to escape, the kids are...

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Facing a Motor Vehicle Crash During a Pandemic

Facing a Motor Vehicle Crash During a Pandemic

  Facing a motor vehicle crash while living in such an unprecedented time can be extra challenging to say the least.  Recently, I had a couple of victims reach out to me expressing their fear of going to the emergency room for injuries that they sustained from an...

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New Year’s Resolutions for the Survivor of a Crash

New Year’s Resolutions for the Survivor of a Crash

Let’s admit it—we all do it!  We make New Year’s Resolutions that we don’t or can’t keep. As a survivor of a motor vehicle crash, you may try to look to the New Year in a different way and make resolutions regarding your recovery. Here are a few goals to set for...

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Benefits of Owning a Dog As You Recover From a Crash

Benefits of Owning a Dog As You Recover From a Crash

Owning a dog as you recover from a motor vehicle crash can be beneficial as your life can change in significant ways after an auto collision.  A warm and caring environment is important in recovery and who better to provide unconditional love and support than a dog?...

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Leaving The Hospital to Homecare – Helpful Reminders

Leaving The Hospital to Homecare – Helpful Reminders

Leaving the hospital to homecare, you may be so overwhelmed with everything that is going on around you that you may have a hard time focusing when your doctor informs you that it is time to take the necessary steps to begin your discharge. Most people do not like...

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Recovering Psychologically After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Recovering Psychologically After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Recovering psychologically after surviving a motor vehicle crash is common. When you have been involved in a serious auto collision, you may often find that recovering psychologically from the trauma is every bit as difficult, or even more so, than getting over the...

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Keeping Receipts From Treatment Providers is a Must!

Keeping Receipts From Treatment Providers is a Must!

After being involved in a motor vehicle crash, you may have medical treatments by numerous providers to support you on your recovery journey.  Whether you are having rehabilitation treatments at home, a medical office or a medical clinic, most providers will ask you...

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Post Injury Can Lead to Meaningful Life

Post Injury Can Lead to Meaningful Life

Having a meaningful life post injury is important.  My name is Anna Leggett and I live in East Anglia in the UK. In November 2016 I was involved in a rear-end collision when my car was hit by a large SUV. I sustained a mild brain injury and a musculoskeletal injury to...

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Mental Wellness is Critical For Any Recovery

Mental Wellness is Critical For Any Recovery

Mental Wellness is critical for any recovery and I’ve never been in a motorized vehicle collision, but I know you have. But I’ve always known I’m at high risk for breast cancer. Like a car crash, cancer may very well be just around the corner for any of us. At age 44,...

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What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do For You?

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do For You?

  When you are seriously injured in a motor vehicle collision, you will need a personal injury lawyer to handle your claim but you may not even know what they do.  A personal injury lawyer can help you get compensation for your injuries and also help you with a...

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Seeking Medical Attention After a Crash is Crucial

Seeking Medical Attention After a Crash is Crucial

Seeking medical attention after a crash is crucial and it should be the very first thing you do. I understand it can feel overwhelming after you have suffered injuries in a serious motor vehicle crash. Between dealing with getting your car repaired, finding...

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