survivor tips

Crash Support Network offers the following Survivor Tips Articles to help fulfill our mission.

By sharing vital information, offering resources, and fostering community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the importance of safe driving, and supporting individuals impacted by road trauma.

The Challenge of Coping with Flashbacks

The Challenge of Coping with Flashbacks

  Coping with Flashbacks & PTSD For the past fifteen or more years I have specialized in providing psychological services to people who have survived serious auto crashes.  From my experience in working with hundreds of survivors I have observed many common...

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Warm Buddy Products Help Relieve Pain and Stress

Warm Buddy Products Help Relieve Pain and Stress

Warm Buddy products help relieve pain and stress, and getting into an accident can be a very traumatic experience.  Merely talking to the police and doing your paperwork for auto insurance claim leaves you exhausted and stressed. Once the adrenaline rush subsides,...

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Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer – What To Keep in Mind

Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer – What To Keep in Mind

  Being involved in a motor vehicle crash is traumatic by itself. Dealing with the aftermath of the possibility of being hospitalized, seeking treatment for your injuries, filing an insurance claim and getting legal advice can certainly add to the stress. When...

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Valentine’s Day on a Budget Recovering From a Crash

Valentine’s Day on a Budget Recovering From a Crash

Valentine's Day is a day of love, a day to show that special someone how much they mean to you. In the past, this day may have been a day to have a fancy dinner out, breakfast in bed, give and/or receive flowers or celebrate in some other special way. Showing our...

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Superbowl Sunday While Recovering

Superbowl Sunday While Recovering

Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner and millions of football fans across the country will meet up with friends to watch the game or attend Super Bowl parties. The Super Bowl is more than just a big game. It’s an annual occasion when people gather with friends...

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Contracting the Flu Or a Cold is Triple The Agony For Us

Contracting the Flu Or a Cold is Triple The Agony For Us

Contracting the Flu or a Cold is triple the agony for us.  Avoiding sickness as a crash survivor is not always possible and once you contract the flu or a cold, it's especially tough when you are already dealing with chronic pain, lack of sleep, financial strain and...

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My Warm Buddy Was a Great Holiday Gift

My Warm Buddy Was a Great Holiday Gift

My Warm Buddy was a great holiday gift to receive and I couldn't wait to tell you all about it because as a Crash Survivor Blogger, I have made it my mission to share everything with fellow crash survivors that may be beneficial to our recoveries.  As I begin to write...

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It’s Okay To Not Want To Celebrate The Holidays

It’s Okay To Not Want To Celebrate The Holidays

It's okay to not want to celebrate the holidays and you are not alone. As a crash survivor, you will be feeling worn out, overwhelmed and anxious as you try to recover physically and financially while dreading the festive season. There’s something about the holiday...

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Self-Care Tips For Happily Surviving the Holidays

Self-Care Tips For Happily Surviving the Holidays

How are you surviving the holidays?  Do you have a love-hate relationship with the holiday season? If so, you're not alone, and in fact if we are honest, most of us do. Even if we love 99 percent of the holiday season, that 1 percent brings stress with it. If we...

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What Is a Barrier Free Home?

What Is a Barrier Free Home?

What Is a Barrier Free Home and Where Do I Go? Post Accident Housing Options After a traumatic accident that has caused physical injury you have many decisions to make. Housing is one of them. If your pre-accident home can no longer meet your needs, you’ll need to...

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Date Nights Are Still Possible

Date Nights Are Still Possible

I know its hard to believe but as a crash survivor, date nights are still possible.  After being involved in a horrific motor vehicle crash that left me with multiple injuries including a head injury, I was left to face a long recovery. Not being able to sleep,...

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15 Things Only a Crash Survivor Can Tell You

15 Things Only a Crash Survivor Can Tell You

There are things only a crash survivor can tell you.  Let's face it.  Trauma Doctors may have the medical knowledge to treat you immediately after your motor vehicle crash and although I was well looked after as a patient in a trauma hospital, what about all the...

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Thanksgiving Can Be Overwhelming

Thanksgiving Can Be Overwhelming

Thanksgiving can be an overwhelming time for crash survivors as they are distracted by an unexpected life change and the constant worry about their health and finances often hide in the background while they try their best to enjoy family time. It can be a real...

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The Secret to Recover From a Crash

The Secret to Recover From a Crash

The secret to recover from a crash is surviving it in any way you can. Now I know what you may be thinking, “Really? Is this the advice you’re giving me?” My answer is yes! Here’s the thing, just like your motor vehicle crash itself, it’s unpredictable. It’s never...

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Create Your Own Digital Crash Memory

Create Your Own Digital Crash Memory

Digital Crash Memories are a wonderful way for us to remember as I will never forget the day my entire life changed in a matter of seconds from being involved in a motor vehicle crash.  I like to refer to the day that I survived a crash as my “crashiversary” and when...

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Facing Another Hospital Stay As A Crash Survivor

Facing Another Hospital Stay As A Crash Survivor

Facing another hospital stay as a crash survivor is difficult to put into words but so important to share. While I was out walking one evening in June, I felt something bite me on my calf but I immediately brushed it off.  In Ontario during the summer months, we are...

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10 Ways To Support a Survivor of a Crash

10 Ways To Support a Survivor of a Crash

  As a survivor of a crash, our life is unexpectedly turned upside down in a matter of seconds. We will be struggling physically, financially and emotionally. Many survivors of a crash will be trying to find their new normal and it is extremely difficult when we...

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Is Your Mother Recovering From A Crash On Her Special Day?

Is Your Mother Recovering From A Crash On Her Special Day?

  It's about that time to start thinking about that special woman in our lives.  Whether she is your mother, mother-in-law, step-mother, grandmother or the mother of your children, a mother recovering from a crash can face especially difficult challenges when it...

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Attending a Neuropsychological Assessment

Attending a Neuropsychological Assessment

  Survivors that are struggling cognitively from their motor vehicle crash may be asked to attend a Neuropsychological Assessment.  When that day came for me, I received a document outlining the time, date and the length of time I would be attending a...

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My Experience Attending Examinations for Discovery

My Experience Attending Examinations for Discovery

My experience attending Examinations for Discovery is worth a share.  "What on earth are Examinations for Discovery" I find myself asking my lawyer.   You see, the law firm was calling to set up a convenient time for these examinations to take place.   I was the...

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The Driver That Caused My Crash Plead Guilty

The Driver That Caused My Crash Plead Guilty

The driver plead guilty that caused the horrific motor vehicle crash that I was involved in which changed my life forever.  Sometime in January, I received a call from the police officer that came to the site of my motor vehicle crash.  I would soon learn that this...

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Facebook Can Be Beneficial While Recovering

Facebook Can Be Beneficial While Recovering

Surviving a motor vehicle collision can be extremely overwhelming and isolating when you are recovering. You can be diagnosed with health conditions you may have never heard of before. The struggles are real and you may be feeling alone.  I have been wanting to write...

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Drive Safely

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