Crash Survivor Blog

  The Crash Support Network publishes a Crash Survivor Blog where you will find Dawne sharing her personal experience along with tips and advice as well as guest bloggers which help crash survivors all across the globe.

 Dawne believes that the more we raise awareness to crash survivors the brighter their life will become. 

“We understand that crash survivors have stories they want to share and we are pleased to provide a platform.” 

Are you interested in reading our blogs? Please feel free to subscribe (see form below) to receive our Crash Survivor Blogs electronically so you are kept up to date the moment that a blog is published.

If you have a topic you would like to read, write or share, please contact us.

Ask A Lawyer Provides a Stress Free Space to Get Answers

Ask A Lawyer Provides a Stress Free Space to Get Answers

After a motor vehicle crash, it’s completely normal to feel unsure about speaking with a personal injury lawyer. The legal process can seem overwhelming, and it can be difficult to even know where to start. That's where our free service "Ask a Lawyer" comes in.  "Ask...

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Road Safety Tips As We Spring Forward During Recovery

Road Safety Tips As We Spring Forward During Recovery

Ah, yes! It’s that time of year again to spring forward!  Daylight saving time is arriving, and we get to enjoy those longer, brighter evenings. But while it’s a fun change for many, it can be a little tricky for some, especially if you’re recovering from a motor...

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An Open Letter to Every Driver on the Road

An Open Letter to Every Driver on the Road

Dear Fellow Driver, As we navigate our daily lives, most of us spend countless hours behind the wheel, making our way from one place to another. Whether it's to drive to work, school, the grocery store, or a weekend getaway, we all share the same roads, the same...

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Life is A One-Way Push Like Toothpaste:  Oozing Forward

Life is A One-Way Push Like Toothpaste: Oozing Forward

Colgate Max Fresh. That is my favorite toothpaste. It’s got those suspended-in-gel mint strips so my mouth feels fresh long after its use. I think toothpaste technology and range of product availability, along with the price, have changed dramatically in the last...

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This Body Came With A Lot of Terms and Conditions

This Body Came With A Lot of Terms and Conditions

  Suddenly, this body came with a lot of terms and conditions that I did not agree to.  It’s an unsettling feeling when your body seems to betray you, especially after experiencing something as traumatic as a motor vehicle crash. The multiple injuries I sustained...

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The Ripple Effect:  Beyond the Immediate Impact

The Ripple Effect: Beyond the Immediate Impact

When a motor vehicle crash occurs, it is easy to focus solely on the individuals directly involved but the number of people affected is often far greater than we initially realize.  The true scope of those affected is often far greater, reaching into the lives of...

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Getting Back to Driving is Not Easy

Getting Back to Driving is Not Easy

Experiencing a motor vehicle crash can be life-altering. For many, one of the most daunting challenges after a crash is getting back behind the wheel. If you are feeling nervous, anxious, or even fearful about driving again, know that you are not alone. These feelings...

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Why I Chose to Embrace My Middle Name

Why I Chose to Embrace My Middle Name

  When I founded an organization dedicated to helping individuals injured in motor vehicle crashes, I faced countless decisions. One of the more personal choices I made was to operate under my middle name. While it might seem like a small detail, this decision...

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Good Grief It’s Not Easy

Good Grief It’s Not Easy

When you hear that someone is grieving, you typically envision them as sad, crying, or in other ways somehow trying to deal with a loss. But grief actually has a wider array of symptoms, and ones you may never have associated with.  Now I should say, I am not a grief...

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Pledge To Drive Safely and Make a Difference

Pledge To Drive Safely and Make a Difference

  At the Crash Support Network, we are committed and dedicated to supporting individuals who have been affected by motor vehicle crashes. We personally understand the devastating impact that these incidents can have on victims and their families. That’s why we...

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Let’s Call It What It Is: A Crash – Not an Accident

Let’s Call It What It Is: A Crash – Not an Accident

Words shape our understanding and perception of events. For a crash survivor that is recovering, the choice between "accident" and "crash" can be significant. “Accident” tends to imply that no one is at fault — and when it’s used in the context of a traffic crash, it...

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A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach

You know when you are at the beach, you are looking for shells, and sometimes in the tall grasses you find rocks to turn over to see what’s underneath? On occasion, and with a gasp, you find you have surprised a group of ugly bugs who quickly race out of sight? The...

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Navigating Farewell to a Treatment Provider

Navigating Farewell to a Treatment Provider

  In the aftermath of a motor vehicle crash or any traumatic event, each treatment provider that you see often becomes more than just a medical professional—they become pillars of support and beacons of hope during a challenging journey towards our recovery. ...

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Navigating the Twists and Turns During Recovery

Navigating the Twists and Turns During Recovery

In an instant, life as you know it can be thrown into chaos. One moment, you're on a familiar road, your mind on your destination, or perhaps wandering through the day's events. The next, you're thrust into a reality you never anticipated—one where you are recovering...

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Caregiving and Traumatic Brain Injury

Caregiving and Traumatic Brain Injury

9 ways to tell that I am a caregiver: I do not send out greeting cards anymore; I am making friends with the homeless guy outside the grocery store where I shop for my elderly parents; My regular hair and makeup style is: ponytail, and none; I know more pharmacists,...

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Saying Farewell to Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Saying Farewell to Your Personal Injury Lawyer

As the dust settles on your personal injury case and a final settlement is reached, it's often a moment of mixed emotions for us. Feelings of relief, gratitude, and closure with a tinge of sadness as we bid farewell to our legal advocate – our personal injury lawyer....

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Breaking Up is Hard To Do

Breaking Up is Hard To Do

You can start to sense when a relationship has run its course. Maybe your appointments are feeling rushed.  Maybe you aren’t feeling heard or understood, or maybe you no longer feel comfortable with the approach and the care that you are receiving. Switching treatment...

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Faced With a Fork in the Road After a Crash

Faced With a Fork in the Road After a Crash

A motor vehicle crash can be metaphorically explained as a "fork in the road" due to the critical decisions crash survivors must make in the aftermath of the crash.  This unexpected turn forces us to make important choices that redefine our journey that significantly...

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Online Support Community for Crash Survivors

Online Support Community for Crash Survivors

  We understand that recovering from a motor vehicle crash can be a challenging journey, both physically and emotionally as well as financially.  The emotional toll of a motor vehicle crash can be profound and we believe in the power of community and mutual...

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Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Steps to Take After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle crashes happen every day across the world.  A vast majority of crash survivors will be admitted into a trauma hospital as I write this and getting into a motor vehicle crash can be a life-changing experience.  Knowing what to do...

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What is a Flare Up and How To Manage One

What is a Flare Up and How To Manage One

  What is a Flare up?  You may be surprised to learn that a lot of people do not know the true meaning of the term "flare-up but if you were to ask anyone recovering from a motor vehicle crash, they could tell you.  A flare-up generally refers to a sudden and...

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Order and Disorder – Guest Post Andrew Lawlor

Order and Disorder – Guest Post Andrew Lawlor

  Order and Disorder.  I’m not really a science guy… I have several high school teachers who would attest to that fact. Lately though, I’ve been reading about quantum physics, and have been intrigued by the concepts of randomness and entropy.  Entropy is a...

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How Are You Doing With Your Brain Injury?

How Are You Doing With Your Brain Injury?

  “How Are You Doing With Your Brain Injury?” In my head “Well, I’m better than I was 9 years ago but way worse than 10 years ago. I had a headache yesterday because I did too much, but also had a headache the day before and did almost nothing. The seasonal...

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I Don’t Remember Anything About You

I Don’t Remember Anything About You

An open letter to the person who hit my car. Dear Matthew, My name is @braininjurywise and I was the one whose car you hit 9 years ago today. I don’t remember anything about you only that you were driving a Honda Civic, and you offered that you could call your wife so...

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Preparing For Discharge From a Trauma Hospital

Preparing For Discharge From a Trauma Hospital

You may have mixed emotions when you are told that you are being discharged from a trauma hospital.  You may feel ill-prepared and anxious to start the next phase of your rehabilitation and recovery.  You will be unsure about your future and it's important that you...

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11 Years Recovering – Things I Wish I Knew

11 Years Recovering – Things I Wish I Knew

11 Years.  Where has that time gone?  On Monday, it will be 11 years for me.  My 11th Crashiversary. The day I was in a horrific life-changing motor vehicle crash caused by a distracted driver.  Rear-ended by an SUV travelling at a high rate of speed and pushed into...

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What Do You Say to a Crash Survivor Recovering?

What Do You Say to a Crash Survivor Recovering?

  Hundreds of thousands of motor vehicle crashes happen every day across the world and when your loved one, colleague or friend has been in a motor vehicle crash, it may be difficult to know what know what to say to them.  Motor vehicle crashes can be...

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Crash Survivor Does Not Consider Herself a Write-Off

Crash Survivor Does Not Consider Herself a Write-Off

A tax write-off as I understand it is a tax deduction, or any legitimate expense that can be subtracted from your taxable income. I have heard of rich people “writing it off” when referring to dinners on company time or real estate used to conduct business. I never...

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Time to Celebrate the Special Men in Our Lives

Time to Celebrate the Special Men in Our Lives

  June is not only when we observe Father’s Day, but also Men’s Health Month.  Family is important to recovery and spending some quality time together at home can be healthy, especially when a crash survivor is concerned about their future. Whether he is your...

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12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

12 Important Items to Bring to the Hospital

  When we are seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, first responders that arrive at the crash scene immediately assess and address any physical injuries then we could be whisked away to a hospital for weeks and quite possibly months as we face our recovery...

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Don’t Creep Facebook

Don’t Creep Facebook

  Last summer, I met another crash survivor for coffee.  She has been a member of the Crash Support Network Group for quite some time and I got lucky.  She only lived a few kilometres from me.  I cannot begin to tell you what it felt like to sit with someone who...

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Catastrophic Crash Survivor – Can I Ask You a Question?

Catastrophic Crash Survivor – Can I Ask You a Question?

  Catastrophic Crash Survivor - Who Are You? I was wrong.  Most of you do not know me personally. If you did, that first sentence would be jarring. Wrong is not something I admit often – or at least often enough.  It was early in my catastrophic recovery; I was...

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A Decade of Healing From a Life Changing Crash

A Decade of Healing From a Life Changing Crash

Last month, I celebrated my Crashiversary.  It was a big one.  10 years ago I was driving alone when my life decided to come to an unexpected halt by no fault of my own.  I was doing everything right that morning but sadly, the other driver was not.  Rear ended at a...

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Always Check Your Medications!

Always Check Your Medications!

  As we recover from a motor vehicle crash, a vast majority of us will be given medications while we are in the hospital for various reasons and once discharged, many of us will be given a handful of scripts to fill at the pharmacy as we return home or to a...

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We Used to Love to Drive

We Used to Love to Drive

  How many of us remember a “365”?  Years ago in Canada, a 365 was similar to what they call a learners permit today and when I was 16, I got my 365.  It consisted of a written test and if you passed, you were able to drive a car with a licensed driver beside you...

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Finally I Reached My Day in Court and it Was Challenging

Finally I Reached My Day in Court and it Was Challenging

The Fix They say it takes a village, and never was that truer than when I was preparing to come home. I had declared my intent to return home for Christmas, and I had no idea how much, and how many it would take to move heaven and earth to meet that date. We had a...

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Guest Blogger Andrew Lawlor Meets the Captain

Guest Blogger Andrew Lawlor Meets the Captain

  The Captain and the Kid When someone gets hurt, immediate thoughts go to the person directly affected. Secondly, to family and close friends, knowing they need support and assistance.  Not sure that anyone thinks about the dog. Her name was Indie, a sweet,...

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Life Changing Crash Inspired Woman to Support Others

Life Changing Crash Inspired Woman to Support Others

  When I first started an Online Support Group for victims of motor vehicle crashes back in 2015, I never thought I would eventually launch a quarterly newsletter and become a Crash Survivor Blogger not to mention a self-published author.  A lot has happened...

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My Mom Didn’t Drive But it Never Held Her Back

My Mom Didn’t Drive But it Never Held Her Back

  Mom was 89 when she passed away and she never had a driver’s license.  Born in 1932, things were certainly different back then.  Although my mom didn’t drive and never had any interest in getting behind the wheel of a vehicle, as kids, we certainly didn’t miss...

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Waterfalls – Guest Blogger Shares Power of Music

Waterfalls – Guest Blogger Shares Power of Music

Cinderella Man Back in the hospital, this time I am being visited by a doctor.  He's a good-looking doctor. Too good-looking. Tv-doctor good looking, soap-opera-fake-doctor good looking. I listen as he shares news about my arms. In response I say, “14 seems like a lot...

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Holiday Thoughts From One Crash Survivor to Another

Holiday Thoughts From One Crash Survivor to Another

  Hello. This is your old body speaking. Listen up because I have a lot to share with you. First off, I get it. Ever since you were involved in a motor vehicle crash, you have missed the “old you” and I know you are bracing for the holidays. No matter what anyone...

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Missed Phone Calls Can Make Your Heart Skip a Beat

Missed Phone Calls Can Make Your Heart Skip a Beat

  Missed phone calls from a family member at an odd time of the day can make you anxious.  Recently I woke up to see four missed phone calls from someone that generally doesn’t call.  What would be the first thing that would come to your mind?  Missed phone calls...

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When Your Loved One is Admitted to Intensive Care

When Your Loved One is Admitted to Intensive Care

  When you receive a call that that your loved one has been admitted to an intensive care unit, your world starts to shrink around you and there is truly no other feeling like it. You begin to feel a roller coaster of emotions, from fear to anger to sadness. It...

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Learning How to Use a New Cell Phone Can Be A Daunting Task

Learning How to Use a New Cell Phone Can Be A Daunting Task

  Nine years ago next month, I was on my way to work when my life took a different turn.  I didn’t make it into work and instead found myself being transported to a trauma hospital with multiple injuries due to a horrific motor vehicle crash.  I vaguely remember...

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Talk Crash to Me – New Book Written by a Crash Survivor

Talk Crash to Me – New Book Written by a Crash Survivor

  Talk Crash to Me is a phrase I have used several times since I became a crash survivor.  Next month it will be two years since the launch of the Crash Support Network’s website and as the site continues to get noticed and builds tremendous traffic as well as...

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Travelling While Recovering

Travelling While Recovering

Travelling while recovering from a motor vehicle crash can be difficult but it is possible. For those of us who are recovering from a collision, we are aware of the conflicting emotions when planning a trip or vacation.  Your family wants to escape, the kids are...

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Let’s Talk Distracted Driving – The Cause of My Crash

Let’s Talk Distracted Driving – The Cause of My Crash

  How many times have you been driving next to a car only to look over and see them staring down into their lap?  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I continue to see it and find myself asking, “Why”?  By now, we have all heard about the dangers of driving...

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There is No Excuse to Drive Impaired

There is No Excuse to Drive Impaired

  There is no excuse to drive impaired and I am hoping by writing this blog, it will shed some light on how impaired drivers are a serious risk to everyone on our roads.  As we are out driving, we always encounter reckless drivers. Most rant and rave when a...

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Facing a Motor Vehicle Crash During a Pandemic

Facing a Motor Vehicle Crash During a Pandemic

  Facing a motor vehicle crash while living in such an unprecedented time can be extra challenging to say the least.  Recently, I had a couple of victims reach out to me expressing their fear of going to the emergency room for injuries that they sustained from an...

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New Year’s Resolutions for the Survivor of a Crash

New Year’s Resolutions for the Survivor of a Crash

Let’s admit it—we all do it!  We make New Year’s Resolutions that we don’t or can’t keep. As a survivor of a motor vehicle crash, you may try to look to the New Year in a different way and make resolutions regarding your recovery. Here are a few goals to set for...

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We Are Thinking of You This Holiday Season

We Are Thinking of You This Holiday Season

  We are thinking of you this Holiday Season and we want you to know that you are not alone.  I know our stories differ - they all start at different places, different cities and even different countries.  Although our stories all start with a motor vehicle...

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Passengers Can Help Avoid A Collision

Passengers Can Help Avoid A Collision

Passengers can help avoid a motor vehicle crash as safe driving does not always stop with the driver. Arriving safely is always the goal for everyone in a vehicle.  Any diversion of your attention away from the safe operation of your vehicle, like chatting with...

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Benefits of Owning a Dog As You Recover From a Crash

Benefits of Owning a Dog As You Recover From a Crash

Owning a dog as you recover from a motor vehicle crash can be beneficial as your life can change in significant ways after an auto collision.  A warm and caring environment is important in recovery and who better to provide unconditional love and support than a dog?...

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Caring For Your Injured Loved One After a Crash

Caring For Your Injured Loved One After a Crash

Caring for your injured loved one after a motor vehicle crash can be challenging.  In the aftermath of a crash, most of the caregiving in your family may be on the person who has been injured. While it is reasonable that your family’s attention and energy will be...

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The Benefits of Aqua Therapy & Hydrotherapy As You Recover

The Benefits of Aqua Therapy & Hydrotherapy As You Recover

  Aquatic therapy is physical therapy that takes place in a pool under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional.  As I recovered from a motor vehicle crash, aqua therapy was recommended as part of my rehabilitation plan and although I was nervous and...

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Leaving The Hospital to Homecare – Helpful Reminders

Leaving The Hospital to Homecare – Helpful Reminders

Leaving the hospital to homecare, you may be so overwhelmed with everything that is going on around you that you may have a hard time focusing when your doctor informs you that it is time to take the necessary steps to begin your discharge. Most people do not like...

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Recovering Psychologically After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Recovering Psychologically After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Recovering psychologically after surviving a motor vehicle crash is common. When you have been involved in a serious auto collision, you may often find that recovering psychologically from the trauma is every bit as difficult, or even more so, than getting over the...

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What Are Staged Collisions?

What Are Staged Collisions?

Staged Collisions are when a con artist deliberately causes a collision in such a way to make you look at fault and without any evidence to prove your side of the story.  Yes, it's true that staged collisions are happening and as a survivor of a horrific motor vehicle...

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Replacing Your Vehicle After a Crash

Replacing Your Vehicle After a Crash

Replacing your vehicle after a motor vehicle crash is not as exciting as one may think. After surviving an unexpected motor vehicle crash, your vehicle may be a “total loss” and you face the dreaded task of replacing it and starting over.  As a crash survivor, this is...

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Keeping Receipts From Treatment Providers is a Must!

Keeping Receipts From Treatment Providers is a Must!

After being involved in a motor vehicle crash, you may have medical treatments by numerous providers to support you on your recovery journey.  Whether you are having rehabilitation treatments at home, a medical office or a medical clinic, most providers will ask you...

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Seeking Medical Attention After a Crash is Crucial

Seeking Medical Attention After a Crash is Crucial

Seeking medical attention after a crash is crucial and it should be the very first thing you do. I understand it can feel overwhelming after you have suffered injuries in a serious motor vehicle crash. Between dealing with getting your car repaired, finding...

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There is Hope – A Crash Survivor Reminds Us

There is Hope – A Crash Survivor Reminds Us

A Crash Survivor reminds us that there is hope as she writes about how her life changed seven years ago.  Many supportive, inspiring and motivational conversations take place in the Crash Support Network Group on a daily basis and when I read her post that was...

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This Pandemic Reveals Who We Truly Are

This Pandemic Reveals Who We Truly Are

This pandemic reveals who we truly are and my emotions have been running rampant for the last several months.  I am tired of being cooped up, tired of being careful, tired of being scared and tired of not knowing when life will get back to normal.  Coincidentally, I...

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Are Drivers Running STOP Signs in Your Community?

Are Drivers Running STOP Signs in Your Community?

Have you seen drivers running STOP signs?  When STOP Signs are misplaced they can create a dangerous situation. As we embrace summer in Southern Ontario where I reside, people are getting out of their homes to exercise and I have recognized a significant increase of...

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Introducing An Online Support Group for Fatal Crashes

Introducing An Online Support Group for Fatal Crashes

Looking for an online support group for fatal crashes?  One of the worst things anyone can ever go through is the death of another human being and unfortunately a common incident that leads to the loss of human life is that of a fatal motor vehicle crash. Being in a...

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Having All of Your Ducks in a Row is Crucial

Having All of Your Ducks in a Row is Crucial

Having all of your ducks in a row is crucial.  No matter what stage of life you may be in, it is always a good idea to think about how your affairs will be handled.  For instance, passwords are one of the frustrations of modern life. Technology is such an ingrained...

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How Are You Holding Up?

How Are You Holding Up?

How are you holding up? As we all face these uncertain times, I have found it extremely difficult to focus and my anxiety has been in constant overdrive. I will start off by saying that we need to remember that we all process things differently. As a survivor of a...

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It’s Time to Talk About Coronavirus

It’s Time to Talk About Coronavirus

It's time to talk about coronavirus - the elephant that has been in the room for several weeks. Over the past week, the current coronavirus outbreak is triggering increased anxiety especially with such heightened media attention. Anxiety thrives on uncertainty and...

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Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer – What To Keep in Mind

Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer – What To Keep in Mind

  Being involved in a motor vehicle crash is traumatic by itself. Dealing with the aftermath of the possibility of being hospitalized, seeking treatment for your injuries, filing an insurance claim and getting legal advice can certainly add to the stress. When...

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Finding Yourself Alone In Distress as a Crash Survivor

Finding Yourself Alone In Distress as a Crash Survivor

When you find yourself alone in distress it can be extremely frightening. Recently I noticed a woman basking in a hot tub enjoying every moment until she decided it was time to get out. I have seen this woman before and although she is very friendly and walks with a...

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Valentine’s Day on a Budget Recovering From a Crash

Valentine’s Day on a Budget Recovering From a Crash

Valentine's Day is a day of love, a day to show that special someone how much they mean to you. In the past, this day may have been a day to have a fancy dinner out, breakfast in bed, give and/or receive flowers or celebrate in some other special way. Showing our...

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Superbowl Sunday While Recovering

Superbowl Sunday While Recovering

Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner and millions of football fans across the country will meet up with friends to watch the game or attend Super Bowl parties. The Super Bowl is more than just a big game. It’s an annual occasion when people gather with friends...

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Crash Survivors Are Grateful To Enter Our Give-Aways

Crash Survivors Are Grateful To Enter Our Give-Aways

Crash Survivors are grateful to enter our give-aways in our online support group. Afterall, who doesn’t love a contest?  Many supportive and inspirational conversations take place in the Crash Support Network Group on a daily basis. What started out as a place to find...

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Contracting the Flu Or a Cold is Triple The Agony For Us

Contracting the Flu Or a Cold is Triple The Agony For Us

Contracting the Flu or a Cold is triple the agony for us.  Avoiding sickness as a crash survivor is not always possible and once you contract the flu or a cold, it's especially tough when you are already dealing with chronic pain, lack of sleep, financial strain and...

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My Warm Buddy Was a Great Holiday Gift

My Warm Buddy Was a Great Holiday Gift

My Warm Buddy was a great holiday gift to receive and I couldn't wait to tell you all about it because as a Crash Survivor Blogger, I have made it my mission to share everything with fellow crash survivors that may be beneficial to our recoveries.  As I begin to write...

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It’s Okay To Not Want To Celebrate The Holidays

It’s Okay To Not Want To Celebrate The Holidays

It's okay to not want to celebrate the holidays and you are not alone. As a crash survivor, you will be feeling worn out, overwhelmed and anxious as you try to recover physically and financially while dreading the festive season. There’s something about the holiday...

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Date Nights Are Still Possible

Date Nights Are Still Possible

I know its hard to believe but as a crash survivor, date nights are still possible.  After being involved in a horrific motor vehicle crash that left me with multiple injuries including a head injury, I was left to face a long recovery. Not being able to sleep,...

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Quarterly Newsletter For Crash Survivors

Quarterly Newsletter For Crash Survivors

Are you aware that there is a Quarterly Newsletter for Crash Survivors?  The Sharing Our Recovery Newsletter has been specifically created for anyone that has survived a motor vehicle crash and has been designed to help you pick up the pieces as you recover. Our...

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Being Involved in a Motor Vehicle Crash Sucks

Being Involved in a Motor Vehicle Crash Sucks

Being involved in a motor vehicle crash sucks. It’s not only unexpected but it can be traumatizing and life-changing. Just think about it. We were all in a motor vehicle to reach some kind of destination. Some of us may have been on a schedule to arrive at work or a...

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15 Things Only a Crash Survivor Can Tell You

15 Things Only a Crash Survivor Can Tell You

There are things only a crash survivor can tell you.  Let's face it.  Trauma Doctors may have the medical knowledge to treat you immediately after your motor vehicle crash and although I was well looked after as a patient in a trauma hospital, what about all the...

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Thanksgiving Can Be Overwhelming

Thanksgiving Can Be Overwhelming

Thanksgiving can be an overwhelming time for crash survivors as they are distracted by an unexpected life change and the constant worry about their health and finances often hide in the background while they try their best to enjoy family time. It can be a real...

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The Secret to Recover From a Crash

The Secret to Recover From a Crash

The secret to recover from a crash is surviving it in any way you can. Now I know what you may be thinking, “Really? Is this the advice you’re giving me?” My answer is yes! Here’s the thing, just like your motor vehicle crash itself, it’s unpredictable. It’s never...

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So Grateful For Our Online Support Group

So Grateful For Our Online Support Group

  Members of our online support group may have some busy days ahead of them as we enter the fall season.  September has a back-to-school vibe that’s hard to shake. This tends to be true even if it’s been many years since you were a student and even if you...

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Create Your Own Digital Crash Memory

Create Your Own Digital Crash Memory

Digital Crash Memories are a wonderful way for us to remember as I will never forget the day my entire life changed in a matter of seconds from being involved in a motor vehicle crash.  I like to refer to the day that I survived a crash as my “crashiversary” and when...

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Facing Another Hospital Stay As A Crash Survivor

Facing Another Hospital Stay As A Crash Survivor

Facing another hospital stay as a crash survivor is difficult to put into words but so important to share. While I was out walking one evening in June, I felt something bite me on my calf but I immediately brushed it off.  In Ontario during the summer months, we are...

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Needing a Caregiver To Becoming a Caregiver

Needing a Caregiver To Becoming a Caregiver

The last few months have been extra challenging to say the least and even though I tried numerous times to sit down and write this blog, I found myself constantly walking away from my computer after typing a few lines. Nothing prepares you for the moment that your...

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10 Ways To Support a Survivor of a Crash

10 Ways To Support a Survivor of a Crash

  As a survivor of a crash, our life is unexpectedly turned upside down in a matter of seconds. We will be struggling physically, financially and emotionally. Many survivors of a crash will be trying to find their new normal and it is extremely difficult when we...

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Massage Cupping Therapy For My Crash Injuries

Massage Cupping Therapy For My Crash Injuries

  As a survivor of a crash, I am excited to share with you how I discovered massage cupping therapy and how much I have benefited from it.  From time to time, if I move my right ankle a certain way, or I accidentally bump my achilles tendon which I recently did,...

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Is Your Mother Recovering From A Crash On Her Special Day?

Is Your Mother Recovering From A Crash On Her Special Day?

  It's about that time to start thinking about that special woman in our lives.  Whether she is your mother, mother-in-law, step-mother, grandmother or the mother of your children, a mother recovering from a crash can face especially difficult challenges when it...

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Determined to Walk Again after Surviving a Crash

Determined to Walk Again after Surviving a Crash

  We are pleased to introduce you to a man that is determined to walk again after surviving a horrific motor vehicle crash.  As an administrator and founder of an online support group, I happily monitor and approve posts on a daily basis. When I say “approve...

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Introducing The Crash Support Network

Introducing The Crash Support Network

This year, we are excited to celebrate our 3rd year anniversary by launching our very own “new and improved” website, The Crash Support Network. I can’t believe that this month, it will be three years since I first created an Online Support Group for survivors of a...

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Attending a Neuropsychological Assessment

Attending a Neuropsychological Assessment

  Survivors that are struggling cognitively from their motor vehicle crash may be asked to attend a Neuropsychological Assessment.  When that day came for me, I received a document outlining the time, date and the length of time I would be attending a...

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Faced with Zero Visibility As a Motorist

Faced with Zero Visibility As a Motorist

Yesterday, several motorists faced zero visibility as winter weather wreaked havoc on a major highway stranding numerous drivers caused by a multi-vehicle collision.   As any crash survivor, I instantly thought of each motorist who had been faced with “zero...

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My Experience Attending Examinations for Discovery

My Experience Attending Examinations for Discovery

My experience attending Examinations for Discovery is worth a share.  "What on earth are Examinations for Discovery" I find myself asking my lawyer.   You see, the law firm was calling to set up a convenient time for these examinations to take place.   I was the...

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Feeling Alone as I Struggle

Feeling Alone as I Struggle

Feeling alone as I struggle was a terrible feeling.  So here I am.  Fast forward several months after surviving a horrific motor vehicle crash where you can find me attending treatments with my psychologist, attending an outpatient rehabilitation clinic, experiencing...

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Visiting Your Crash Site

Visiting Your Crash Site

As I am attending an outpatient rehabilitation clinic twice a week for my physical injuries, I still find myself experiencing re-occurring nightmares and constant flashbacks.  I am aware that they were not getting any better, and if anything they were getting worse. ...

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Small Steps in my Recovery

Small Steps in my Recovery

Small steps in my recovery was all I could manage.  As I became more mobile, I now find myself on a waiting list to attend an outpatient rehabilitation clinic. I am told by numerous medical professionals that I will need more treatment for the multiple injuries I...

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The Driver That Caused My Crash Plead Guilty

The Driver That Caused My Crash Plead Guilty

The driver plead guilty that caused the horrific motor vehicle crash that I was involved in which changed my life forever.  Sometime in January, I received a call from the police officer that came to the site of my motor vehicle crash.  I would soon learn that this...

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Remembering Humboldt

Remembering Humboldt

On April 6, 2018, many lives were shattered, so much heartbreak and devastation in the small town of Humboldt, Saskatchewan.  The Humboldt Broncos were on their way to a playoff game when their bus was struck by a tractor trailer in Saskatchewan, Canada.  The trailer...

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A New Year as a Crash Survivor

A New Year as a Crash Survivor

As we face a New Year as a crash survivor, a lot of us struggled this past year dealing with difficult life-changing moments and we can only hope for less struggles as we enter into a New Year.  With a new year beginning and as a survivor, you may find yourself...

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Facebook Can Be Beneficial While Recovering

Facebook Can Be Beneficial While Recovering

Surviving a motor vehicle collision can be extremely overwhelming and isolating when you are recovering. You can be diagnosed with health conditions you may have never heard of before. The struggles are real and you may be feeling alone.  I have been wanting to write...

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Festive Celebrations As A Crash Survivor

Festive Celebrations As A Crash Survivor

Festive Celebrations as a crash survivor can be a challenging time for us while we are recovering.  Everything is suppose to be happy with plenty of family and togetherness but what if you are a survivor of a car crash?  As survivors, we need to acknowledge that the...

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15 Things Every Crash Survivor Should Know

15 Things Every Crash Survivor Should Know

When we suddenly find ourselves recovering from a crash, we have no idea what lies ahead for our future. Our lives drastically change in a matter of seconds and we will need time to recover.  From one crash survivor to another, here are important tips that every...

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Feelings of Loss While I Recovered at Christmas

Feelings of Loss While I Recovered at Christmas

As I continued to recover from a horrific motor vehicle crash, I was also experiencing feelings of loss.  Interrupted by another sleepless night, I find myself staring at the cursor on my computer screen in the middle of the night. I hear the silence and think of...

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6 Years of Healing

6 Years of Healing

    6 years of healing.  6 years ago my life changed.  6 years ago I was in a horrific car crash. Today is my Crashiversary. Today 6 is my number. 6 is the number of years that I have fought fatigue. Some days minor but others so bad I have had to stay in...

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Left To Face Financial Burdens During Recovery

Left To Face Financial Burdens During Recovery

  While I was left to face financial burdens from being involved in a motor vehicle crash, family and friends started to attend Christmas Parties, bake cookies and shop for gifts, while I found myself completely and utterly overwhelmed with medical appointments....

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To the People That Think I Have an Easy Life

To the People That Think I Have an Easy Life

Surviving a crash is life-changing as my life was great that fall morning. I had just spent the night at my boyfriend’s house and was watching the sun rise as I drove to a job that I loved. I finally held a position within an Organization that I had been dreaming...

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My Anxiety During Recovery

My Anxiety During Recovery

My anxiety during recovery as a crash survivor was terrifying at times.  You may ask why I am now lying in a hospital bed in the middle of the living room while I anxiously wait for morning to come. An occupational therapist recently visited and left me with some...

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Starting My Recovery at Home

Starting My Recovery at Home

Starting my recovery at home has begun and I am not even sure what day it is anymore but all I know is that I need to wash my hair. Although my hair is quite long, it is draped away from my face and the majority of my hair is now pinned on top of my head and the scent...

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My Journey Home To Recover

My Journey Home To Recover

My journey home to recover from my crash was very challenging.  After spending my first night in the hospital, I am now being told that I was rear-ended and pushed into a transport truck. Why can’t I remember anything? How did this happen to me? I am such a good...

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The Day of Impact That Changed My Life Forever

The Day of Impact That Changed My Life Forever

The day of impact was life-changing.  About a year after my motor vehicle collision someone asked me “why don’t you blog about your crash?” I thought this was such an odd thing to say to me. I was recovering trying to put my life back together so why on earth would I...

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Drive Safely

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